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  • shimself
    Post count: 8

    Ive had Graves/TED for six years now. Male, 63yrs.

    On lowish dose carbimazole 10mg/day and Levo 75ug. My bloods are currently all in range.

    I wear specs with prisms, which used to keep me in single vision throughout the day, though not always, and often struggled in the evening

    What’s bugging me (hah!) is that for the last 6 weeks I’m finding it harder and harder to stay in single vision. I’ve had a new Lancaster test, and I’m told that the prescription for the prisms is unchanged.

    Has anyone got an explanation? A suggestion?


    Post count: 1909

    Have you had Graves’ six years? TED happen the same time as Graves’? How long have you had TED? Much shorter time? My active phase of TED lasted FOREVER! I had severe double vision. The glasses alone would not have ever corrected it. Did you consider strabismus surgery? (eye muscle surgery)
    After I had that, I have single vision (most of the time, enough to be happy about it) with prisms “6 up” in each eye. Every now and then, I have double vision at the end of the day. I CANNOT tolerate vision at all without my glasses.
    My history is listed below.

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