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  • gzow
    Post count: 2

    my condition has progressed to double vision that has made me unable to do my job as a welder and backhoe operator. Just can’t do it with confidence and safety. Does it get better? Will it go away? Really frustrating.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – we have several regular posters here who have had strabismus surgery to correct double vision and have been very pleased with the results. (Hopefully, they will chime in here).

    The challenge is that doctors don’t want to do this surgery until thyroid eye disease has reached the “cold” or “stable” phase – meaning that symptoms are not getting better or worse. The concern is that if the surgery is done too soon, the condition could change again. This is a good analogy from the International Thyroid Eye Disease Society:

    (Note on links: if you click directly on the following link, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing, or you will have to log back in to the forum. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).

    In the meantime, prisms are helpful for some patients in getting you through the waiting period, as can wearing a patch over one eye (be sure to alternate between eyes). And this forum is a great resource for information and support.

    Take care!

    Post count: 42

    Hi gzow,
    I am sure you will here from other folks who have experienced the double vision and how they managed. When the double vision first started, I found that close up work was OK, it was driving and longer distance vision that was really bad. So for awhile I used 1X magnifiers from The Dollar Store which I taped one of the lenses, which gave me single vision so I could drive safely. I did see an eye doc who specialized in treating double vision, he gave me prisms for my glasses which have been miraculous. I know other people on this forum have not had much success with them but, for me, they were life changing. At some point I will probably have the surgery to fix the double vision but I just had my 4th eye surgery at Xmas so I need a break! the prisms work just great for now.
    As far as “going away” mine has not, I have had the double vision for about 1 1/2 years now. It doesn’t seem to get better or worse. I believe I am considered to be in the “cold” phase. I sure hope so!
    Other folks will chime in, Shirley (one of our regular posters) had the surgery and was very happy with it. All in all, you have options and things will get better!!!

    Post count: 1909

    I suggest patching, and exploring prisms. It is my opinion and personal experience that it won’t go away. The muscles are all fibrosed, swollen and that is the way they will stay. Fibrosis does not get better.
    As was mentioned by others, and as PattiMeg said, i found strabismus surgery a procedure that made my life worth living again. the double vision was impacting everything I did, I had to quit my job.
    You will have mono vision if you patch one eye. i pretty much followed the trail that PattiMeg did in the interim before strabismus surgery. I could hardly wait for it! Marvelous.

    Post count: 2

    Thanks Kimberly, I was diagnosed in Jan. 2014; was on 20mg methimazole, now at 15mg. Had some anxiety, but now OK. Feeling good for the most part except my EYES !!!! Thanks for the encouragement.

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