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  • flora
    Post count: 133

    Hello again,
    I visited my doctor yesterday, and as expected, my starting dose of 5mg Tapazole once a day (began March 5th) has had no effect. So my dose was increased yesterday to 5mg, three times a day, and I’m looking forward to feeling better before too long. But I woke up today feeling actually a little worse – the muscle/joint aches and pains, no energy – and am wondering if the body can take a little time to adjust to the increased meds. Has anyone else experienced a period of initially feeling worse, after an increase in dosage, before starting to feel better?

    Post count: 216

    Hi Flora,

    I always seem to have an adjustment period to a new dose of about 7-14 days even if the change is in the right direction. I swear it is like my body senses that ‘change’ is happening and thinks that change is always bad and should be fought. Then, it feels like my body says ‘Fine. If this is going to be what it is, I’ll just deal with it’ and I feel better. I can always tell by increased hair loss if my levels are moving even if I am moving within the normal range.

    Take care,

    Post count: 133

    Thanks so much for sharing with me …. I’m new to all of this (a frightened new recruit), and really appreciate the support I find here.
    – Flora

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Yes, as LaurelM said, there can be an adjustment period following a new dose. I don’t recall how much of a lag you have between labs & doc visit…but if it’s been a while, it might be worth getting new labs if you continue to feel poorly. Your doc’s office should be able to give you some further direction on this.

    Take care!

    Post count: 133

    Hi again – As a newbie, I’m trying to get the hang of all this (thanks to everybody for your help). My question today is, since my levels didn’t move at all on the low dose I was on for the first five weeks and the dose was increased two days ago, is this like starting from Zero again? Could it take 4 to 6 weeks for excess hormone to be flushed out, and therefore 4 to 6 weeks before I notice a diference? Hope I’m not hogging the forum ….

    Post count: 118

    I don’t have a good answer for you, just thought I would tell you my experience. It’s taken me a good 3-4 weeks to start to feel better and for things to settle down. I started taking the Methimazole on March 21st and am just now this week noticing some big improvements.

    Good luck (and no, you aren’t hogging the forum)

    Post count: 133

    Thanks for your note – I do feel that maybe, with the dose increase, I am actually starting at Square One again, and that it will take a few weeks to notice some improvement – so glad to hear you are doing better!!!

    Post count: 4294

    @flora – This would be a great question for your doctor, as each patient is unique! In terms of setting expectations, though, it would be reasonable to figure that this latest dose might take a few weeks to fully kick in.

    I can’t recall if you are on beta blockers now, but if you are extremely symptomatic, that would be worth a discussion with your doctor, as these drugs can provide temporary relief from issues such as rapid heart rate and tremors.

    Take care!

    Post count: 118

    I had read that people started noticing a difference within a week or two (not necessarily here, I don’t remember where), and I was kind of dissapointed when I didn’t start feeling better that quickly. But, this week, my heart rate came down, as did my bp, and I reduced the beta blocker. I still have the shakes, but not nearly as bad, and I’m feeling a bit more emotionally stable. I also went back to the gym for some light (weight only) workouts, which also may be helping me feel a bit better.

    Post count: 133

    So glad to hear this, Carrie! I have a call into the doctor’s office, as Kimberly suggests, for a guesstimate as to when I could see a difference, on this new (and hopefully effective) dose. With me, it’s the muscle/joint aches, and reduced strength and stamina, that are the worst, along with some nervousness. I read somewhere that this is a marathon, not a sprint, so I’m still working on staying positive and patient. Thanks again!

    Post count: 182

    Hi Flora. I’m a newbie also. Very similar to you… The original dosage did nothing so it was doubled. And a beta blocker was added. Turns out the dosage was too much and now it’s been adjusted backward. So it definitely is a process. I’m still not feeling ‘normal’ and have reduced to part-time hours and working from home. For me, it’s not muscle aches…but it is lack of energy, eye swelling, extreme rage and anxiety and irritability. But I’m going thru menopause so not sure the exact cause!
    For me I’m not sure the meds will ever work nor do I want to be on these kind of meds for any length of time so I’ve scheduled a surgical consult for June. Who knows, things could turn around and I would just cancel appointment but have doubts and want to be done with this… bad.

    Post count: 133

    Sorry to hear you’re struggling, too, Karen, but we are so lucky to have found this forum. Yes, the lack of energy is literally a drag (as I described it in an earlier post, it’s like going from Energizer Bunny to Weak as a Puppy). Hope our doctors can get things calmed down soon!

    Post count: 133

    Just a quick note of thanks to Laurel, Kimberly and Carrie – your replies were so encouraging, and exactly right! At about the 13th-14th day mark, after my dose was increased, I did notice improvements. These improvements came just when I needed them most, when my husband needed me (described in another post). Thanks again, Ladies, for sharing with me.

    Post count: 133

    PS: And my thanks to you, too, Karen for your helpful reply (I forgot to go to my Page 2, where I found it again today). It’s so reassuring to hear from those who have been there.

    Post count: 4294

    Hi Flora – SO glad to hear that you are feeling better. Continued good wishes both for you and your husband!

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