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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    TSH definitely matters for people without a thyroid ~ the feedback mechanism is very important for determining our proper hormone replacement dose.

    If your TSH levels are below normal, then it’s time to figure out the cause. It’s possible that your pituitary has its own separate issue, so that should be investigated. It’s also possible that your T3/T4 levels are not right FOR YOU (within the normal range is not enough), so consult with your doctor at length about this. I experienced a period of time where I was "subclinically hyperthyroid," with exactly the same blood test results as you are seeing now, and I can tell you that I felt a THOUSAND times better once those levels were correct and balanced.

    Post count: 181

    Had RAI almost 4 years ago, am taking Synthroid for 3.5+ years, the same dosage, 100mcg. Have felt healthy and great.

    But my TSH is very low, something like <0.03. FT3 and FT4 are normal, within ranges.

    Why would my TSH be so low? Is it something to do with antibodies? Or do I have problem with my pituitary gland?

    Os does TSH even matter for people without a thyroid?

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