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  • mamabear
    Post count: 484

    Paula, I find myself again in a rush but wanted to post to you.

    I am unaware of the H1N1 vacine and will not take it due to it not being around long enough to know the true side effects of it.

    Personally washing hands very often helps me. Blow your nose often as well. It helps get the junk out that your tiny nose hairs trap there before they get inside you.
    Have everyone who comes into your home wash their hands as well. If you are at school make sure the kids wash their hands and use tissue to blow their nose and then wash their hands.

    will post more later. poofing to go bring ds14 to dr. for his foot.

    have a great day!

    Post count: 1569

    Having an autoimmune disease is not the same thing as a compromised immune system. We aren’t necessarily weaker or unable to fight off things like swine flu, just by virtue of the fact that we have an autoimmune disease. Antibodies that our body creates against our thyroid are specific to the thyroid only, and do not affect other parts of our body. Graves’ can sometimes come with other conditions (TED and pretibial myxedema), which also come with their own specific antibodies, so again, those cannot affect your ability to fight off a cold.

    The most obvious effect would be that when we DO get sick, our autoimmune symptoms can spike because our immune system is stimulated by fighting off the other disease, and then ALL our antibodies get activated. If you no longer have a thyroid, then those "spikes" would not be able to affect your thyroid hormone levels, since the GD antibodies specifically force the thyroid to make too much thyroid hormone ~ no thyroid, no difference. You may see escalations in TED symptoms (if you have it) or in pretibial myxedema symptoms (if you have that), since they are separate, but related autoimmune diseases.

    We may get weak due to extended periods of hyperthyroidism, but that would be most damaging to our health when we are still hyperthyroid. After successful treatment, our risks and weakness decrease.

    Post count: 1

    Hi, new to this forum and greatly uninformed about many things concerning Grave’s. I have had Grave’s for approx. 1 year and have only been able to afford a GP as my doctor since I am uninsured. His idea of information was to give me a sheet of paper he copied off the internet. I am on Methimazole 5mg a day and seem less worse but do have some of the side effects like achy joints, tiredness etc.
    Back to my question. I know Graves is an autoimmune disease but does it only mess with the thyroid or is your entire immune system compromised? I am concerned mainly because I am around children and seem to get sick much more frequently now. I am also concerned because of the H1N1 and regular flu that is bound to be around this fall. I have never gotten flu shots before. Should I be more concerned now because of Grave’s? Or will the shot be harmful? I have no idea. Hopefully soon I will be able to enlist a specialist but until then can anyone help? Thanks,

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