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  • catherine
    Post count: 22

    hi there
    does, or has, anybody experienced an itchy thyroid (on the outside of throat)?!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I do get an itchy throat on occasion, but it’s hard to untangle what’s thyroid-related, and what’s due to allergies or other issues!

    I would mention this at your next doctor’s appointment if it continues to bother you.

    Post count: 6

    Hi Catherine,

    Yes, I had an itchy throat/and base of the throat. It lasted a few months, and would be itchy in the evening. The itching started after starting the meds and then stopped suddenly.

    I mentioned this to the doctor and they were hesitant to prescribe any anti histamine.

    Hope the itching stops soon.


    Post count: 22

    Thanks Kimberley and Barbsie. I have an appt with my endo next week so will check it out then.
    That area of my throat is actually quite painful this afternoon and, I think, seems swollen…last time this happened my Husband said it looked fine to him though. Maybe it’s psychosomatic. I do doubt myself sometimes. I’ll ask his opinion again when I get home.
    Hope you’re both well :).

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