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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My mother-in-law has Graves’ Disease. She will be living in Palm Springs, CA, for the next 5 months. Does anyone know of good physicians around there for her?
    She has had several weeks of drugs to slow down the thyroid, etc., followed recently by the “atomic” pill. Her most troubling symptom is that her eyes have continued to bulge and she can’t see very well. (Her current endocrinologist doesn’t seem interested in pursuing this, so we’d even like recommendations of doctors in Seattle–6 hours drive from here in Spokane, WA).
    By the way, I discovered this site late last summer and got a lot of helpful information which I have shared with others. It’s wonderful how the support group and the Graves’ Disease Home Page have blossomed! Wow! What a bunch of neat resources!
    Thanks in advance if you can assist.
    Julie R

    Post count: 93172


    I live about 30 miles outside of Palm Springs and use an Ophthalmologist who has an office here as well as down in PS. I am reasonably satisfied with him and his name is Dr. Leaming. Email me if you would like more info.


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