I only had moderate eye disease, so I probably won’t be much help. No pain, just double vision and frustration. I did have some huge pain one time, though, from a herniated disk in my neck, and it was all-consuming. I couldn’t think of much else. So, I can empathize somewhat with the pain you are going through.
I think it is important to try to break the pain cycle. If it were me, I would talk with doctors about what is going on, and what suggestions they might make to help alleviate the pain. Sometimes doctors don’t really "get" how much pain an individual is experiencing. But it is important to try to convey it to them. Also, I tried acupuncture with my herniated disk. It did stop the pain for those treatment half-hours. I would have liked it to be a permanent fix. It wasn’t. But it did provide me with half-hours that were completely pain free. And, I think as a result, I was able to get beyond the pain quicker than I might have otherwise. Getting rid of pain helps muscles to relax. Constant pain can cause tight muscles to spasm, adding to pain. So, having pain free time can help.
I do wish you good days ahead, without pain.
Yes! Yes, I have this pain. I get pain that comes and goes in my eyes, especially the right one. I have pain below my neck and continued pain and weakness which is progressing in my quads. The weakness and pain in quads are most worrisome. I have trouble getting out of a chair and walking up steps. I had RAI 8 yrs. ago and still having issues!!! Like you, I was not at all like this before I was diagnosed. I keep hoping I will see some dietary connection or something that I can control. I take levothyroxine, zoloft, and various vitamins. Antibodies level was elevated last week and to see new endocrine next week.
I’ve had a rough 2+ yrs with this, ( still smiling but getting very down) I had my thyroid removed right away (the meds didn’t work to stop it ) my eyes went bad right away with the onset , I have gotten the meds about stable after a yr BUT my eyes! I have plugs in , going to Stanford playing the wait and see
” title=”Smile” /> meeting with both the od surgeon and the eye muscle surgeon this month . BUT I have pain! dbl vision, the light sensitivity , they still water all night I made a mask cupped because I cant close my eyes ! I use refresh pm ( the thick goo) to keep them from drying out and I’m FLUSTERED! eye drops and accular to help the pain but nothing works, has anyone had it like this? My Dr. said every 6 yrs he sees a case like me? lucky me lol.
anyhow any advise for help with pain, eye pain , head pain? its wearing me down, and I feel hyper sensitive now.
My back , my hips, just PAIN. and I NEVER complain and be for this graves I was a person whom took an Advil 2 times a yr if that, I dont ever feel bad or have pain till all this started any one have any advise???Thanks Charlene, Strange its my right eye and right side of my head also, but the leg pain is so strange it comes and goes with no rhyme or reason, from dull to awful chin or hip pain? I’m thinking as you all know feeling unwell for over 2 yrs is wearing and each new symptom brings questions. I will say I’m keeping my chin up and taking one day at a time and enjoying every little thing ( I have sever eyes trouble) I HAVE LEARNED TO TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANITE AND ENJOY EVERY LIL THING
” title=”Smile” />
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