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  • snelsen
    Post count: 1909

    Thank you for your thoughts. I disagree with your views that posters are guiding others in any direction. We are sharing our experiences with our choices. It has been said a hundred different times, and in many different ways, that treatment is our choice, with the exception of a few circumstances. And there are pros, both objective and subjective, to each choice.

    A little further education for you to consider. Some of what you said is not correct. Here ya go. This will complement what you study in psychology and marketing, perhaps. And of the United States, as well.

    A psychiatrist is an MD. A psychiatrist can prescribe medications. Because he is an MD.

    There are, however, PhD psychologists. Historically, they have never had prescriptive authority. Usually, when a person is having therapy with a psychologist, the psychologist works with the psychiatrist, determining medication, the physician prescribes it. In very recent times, a couple states have granted PhD psychologists to prescribe medications, but with the provision of addition education, usually two years, in psychopharmacology.
    It is not common here. It is the exception. There is quite a bit of controversy in the field, for a psychologist may not know, and most probably will know have the appropriate fund of knowledge, of the patient’s total health history. There are some significant interractions with drugs, as I am sure you realize.
    And here are some choices of a Master’s in Psychology:

    M.A. or M.S. in Experimental Psychology
    M.A. or M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
    M.A. or M.S. in Forensic Psychology
    M.A. or M.S. in Clinical Psychology
    M.A. or M.S. in Social Psychology
    M.A. or M.S. in Child Development

    Oh yes, and regarding Canada. The Canadian doctors I consulted with, are MD’s, not PhD., and THAT is why they can prescribe meds.

    Post count: 339

    @Kimberly- please forgive me for mentioning what has worked for me in the past. I have no intention, nor agenda to convert anyone to the Church of Scientology. It is a matter of choice. We are not like Johovah’s Witness. We do not go door to door, nor do we pass out literature without being a member of the IAS, (Internatoinal Associates of Scientologists) however, I have to respectfully disagree that if anyone wants to read the newly revised addition by Religious Technology Leader, David MisCaviage, they should be able to as this is their own decision or perogrative.

    Just because Scientology has helped me and I am forever indebted to the Church does not mean it would help anyone else. Anyone taking mind altering drugs can have them if they work for them. Personally I had horrible experiences with them and contacted the church as to what to do! Ms. Frick helped me make the decision and using the E-meter for anxiety definitely is something that I have a strong conviction about for anyone who seems to suffer from anxiety be it from abnormal Graves’ levels or menopause. The emeter is usually available for anyone outside demonstrations are done even at local k-mart stores. And all is welcome at the church to try it. No charge, no obligation.

    I am sick and tired of the Church of Scientology getting a bad rap. And I will stand up for them and their causes no matter what it takes or at any price. If people choose not to associate, that is just fine with me. I care about humanity and making a better world. One without drugs, be it street or prescription unless they are needed.

    Scientology does a lot of good things. We have Volunteer Ministers that go to places to help with disasters like hurricanes. You will see the people there with yellow t-shirts and helping their fellow man.

    We started NARCONON. And Former President George W. Brush gave $4,000.000 to help us.

    When Michael Jackson was ill, he studied Scientology. I wish he had gone to the church earlier, he might be alive today.

    It has saved many from the abuse of drugs in general and anti-depressants. I find people turning a blind side to Scientology. And there is nothing wrong with it, nothing that can’t help a person to realize what type of person they are, regardless of what is their ailment. It does not matter if they have Graves’ Disease or Cancer, Dianetics has helped their way of thinking. I struggle every day with my brain tumor, and other problems, only to allow L. Ron Hubbard’s philosophy sink in and it has done some good.

    But again, it is not my intention to convert anyone ON THIS BOARD TO SCIENTOLOGY. I was merely making a statement.

    Post count: 110
    vanillasky wrote:
    But again, it is not my intention to convert anyone ON THIS BOARD TO SCIENTOLOGY. I was merely making a statement.

    Your “statement” hs been mentioned over and over ad nauseum over numerous posts throughout the thread. Enough is enough!

    This is a medical board NOT a pulpit from which to evangelize. You’ve offended me repeatedly with your repetiitve evangelizing and frankly it’s tired, played out, and so dead it stinks. I’ve kept out of this in spite of wishing to share some experience with the original poster. I’m done biting my tounge and allowing you to run roughshod over the rules as well as my sensibilities.

    Your statement of the “good works” of your organisation in going after 300 licensed professionals speaks loudy as to your mindset. You’re not here to help- you’re here to gloat and evangelize or so it appears. Go team Karen!

    The moderator here has noted that your science-fiction writer and leader/inventor of “Scientology” L. Ron Hubbard’s book is NOT endorsed by The GDATF. Isn’t that enough to snap you our of your zealous stance, clam up, and stop shoving it further down our throats? Full-stop: MY throat?

    And please, Karen, no more private messages disparaging other members here. I handled it with grace the first time- the next time it WILL be reported.

    I’m a very happy-go-lucky guy, empathetic, and very tolerant. If you wish to believe that Xenu brought us to planet Earth on a DC-8 by all means pray to Xenu. But do it in the privacy of your home rather than a public board meant to help educate and heal rather than offend.

    I can agree to disagree and you’d be wise to do the same.

    I hope I’m “clear”. Pun most definitely intended.

    Good day to you and yours,


    Post count: 143


    Please re-read what I had said. At no time did I state posters are ‘guiding’ others. I briefly talked about – Mob Mentality which is quite different than what you wrote. The basics of psychology and self-awareness is what I wrote.

    Ever hear the phrase Trend Setters? Or how about if one person commits suicide(Has to be on the news, making it a big story), the suicide rates go up in that given area?

    But the moral of the story is, whether you like it or not, people are ‘getting into your head’ everywhere. I can guarantee I have, and you know what? It’s ok to be angry with what I said, it is healthy after all.

    And you did exactly what I thought someone would do – You read into something that wasn’t really there. You instinctively put your back up against the wall. So, I did just as I pointed out, I got into your head.

    As far as the psychiatrists – I basically said what you said (psychiatrists can, psychologists can’t), I was trying to be brief on the point of 50 words or less. I wanted the posters to know there are other options than a psychiatrist – Not everyone you see will ‘push’ pills on you as vanillasky pointed out. And that each field has their own way of treatment. i.e counselors can’t give you ideas.

    If the psychology of marketing didn’t work, then you all wouldn’t buy into it and it wouldn’t be a multibillion dollar industry.

    Post count: 439
    Boomer wrote:
    Your “statement” has been mentioned over and over ad nauseum over numerous posts throughout the thread. Enough is enough!

    This is a medical board NOT a pulpit from which to evangelize. You’ve offended me repeatedly with your repetiitve evangelizing and frankly it’s tired, played out, and so dead it stinks. I’ve kept out of this in spite of wishing to share some experience with the original poster. I’m done biting my tounge and allowing you to run roughshod over the rules as well as my sensibilities.


    Applause and Standing Ovation! Thank you so much for saying what I’ve been tempted to. I, too, have been biting my tongue and was so disappointed to see what could have been a really good “debate” or conversation turn into a campaign and soapbox.

    Maybe we can get this thread back to debating what person and when in that person’s life might be a time that they could benefit from medication, counseling, or both?


    Post count: 273


    Post count: 110

    As a token of good faith I will refrain from further participation here pending a discussion with the Moderator(s) of this site after the holiday.

    Wishing ALL a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend.

    Love and health,


    Post count: 339

    @Boomer: Nothing nauseates me more than your bathroom humor so isn’t that calling the kettle black???

    Aside from that I will not candy coat anything I said – you have a very poor conception of what I was saying, but I’ll just chalk that up to your drug usage and ignorance. You are acting like a child. I was merely trying to control your reactive mind but I can see you work with that 98 percent of the time. Try the other part of your brain that analyses things. You might not be so angry.

    , I have a feeling you are abit off with your statements as well. Running to the doctor for every little thing and using this board as a crutch.

    , forgot to metion, KNOCK YOURSELF OUT AND GO AND REPORT ME. You will see when you side with the Gremlin we have here, you’ll get in trouble yourself.

    I try to help and respect everyone but if someone is close minded there is nothing I can do. FYI, I am a Christian. I believe in the holy trinity. I believe in God, I believe Jesus walked this earth and died for our sins. Scientology is merely a description of the mind and how it works. Now I see how mental you really are. Personal attack? YOU BET. I knew you were hateful the moment you came aboard. Good luck to you with your doctors. I am sure you are a handful.



    **As far as your sarcasm is concerned about being”clear”I don’t think you understand what a person goes through to be clear so cut the wise cracks. They are NOT APPRECIATED.

    FYI, a clear is someone who has been audited and if you think you are so smart, what exactly does that mean? It means an auditor (in your little limited language “shrink”) talks to a person for at least 4 hours to rid them of engrams. YOU ARE AN ENGRAM. Engram=bad thought/. I knew you would be trouble the moment you signed up for this forum. THANK YOU FOR RUINING IT.

    You have a lack of respect for people, that is evident. You think you are the only one that is sick here? Earth to Boomer or whatever your real name is. Coward. You are not the only one. There are many sick people here with a horrible disease and trying to get support and advice, not wanting to hear about your toilet problems. YOU ARE NOT FUNNY. YOU ARE AN OBNOXIOUS PERSON, VILE AND HATEFUL. ENJOY YOUR SELF DESTRUCTION AND IGNORANCE, IT BECOMES YOU.

    Post count: 273

    I propose since Kimberly is on vacation and cannot address this that we – as a group – agree to LOCK this thread. Many people come here needing a safe place to talk about their Graves experience so let’s get back to that.

    Post count: 439
    Raspberry wrote:
    I propose since Kimberly is on vacation and cannot address this that we – as a group – agree to LOCK this thread. Many people come here needing a safe place to talk about their Graves experience so let’s get back to that.

    Totally agree.

    Post count: 1909

    Totally agree also.

    Post count: 273

    Again “lock” means no more new posting on this thread – that includes going back to old posts and editing to add more new inflammatory content as has just occurred, though deleting is reasonable. Thank you all for your restraint.

    Post count: 231

    Also agree. Wow.

    Post count: 1909

    Lock it, delete it. Not sure what is the best choice. Religion, antagonism does not belong on this forum.
    One more day until Kimberly returns.

    Post count: 102

    I also agree with the latest posts. I am so grateful for this Forum and it’s contributors and for the Moderators who probably give their time and knowledge for not much (if any) monetary reward that I would hate to see it hijacked by arguments about the things that my parents told me you should never discuss in public (politics, religion, money and sex). I would also like to mention that as an Australian and under the care of the Australian Medical profession, RAI, TT and the possibility of remission are all avenues open to me. Not one of the Professionals I am being seen by have pushed me in any direction. I have chosen TT because of TED involvement and diagnosis already of TED. Stay well all and remember that it is because of our brave Servicemen, Women and their families that have fought for our freedom that we can all have our own beliefs and lead our lives the way we choose.

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