Hi I’m new here
I found out in April that I have graves disease,as the endocronologist that told me I had the autoimmune disease, she took it upon herself to tell me that I also had another autoimmune disease…chronic hepatitis which at the time I did not know ,I got weak when she told me, she is NOT my family doctor and she had NO RIGHT TO TELL ME it put alot of stress on me until I seen my family doctor…. and this is where it all begins …..Graves disease is a nightmare for me they can’t get it regulated my heart is beating 110 to 120 the endocronologist told me that I didn’t need my Metoprolol so i’m going around with my heart beating to fast , my hair is falling out like crazy ,the top part of my eye the skin is almost covering over my eye lids. The Graves didn’t effect my mussel behind my eyes like it should have it effected the outer mussel of my eyes. the endocronologist said that there is no scan that can be done to check the outer part so she said there is nothing she could do for my eyes…..so I will have to go around with the top of my eyes hanging over my lids affecting my eye site ….. and my hair is so thin when I brush it I swear I will have bald spots my hair is everywhere all over the house is there anyone else having these problems. If you have one autoimmune disease they say more then likely you will have more which I found out” title=”Sad” />
signed depressed
Hello – Wow, you certainly have a lot to deal with right now, but I’m glad that you found us!
It sounds like perhaps your current endocrinologist didn’t have the best bedside manner in disclosing your chronic hepatitis. However, with most autoimmune conditions, the sooner you can get diagnosed and treated, the better. Otherwise, the immune system’s attack can do all sorts of damage. As you work towards getting your thyroid levels stabilized, your relationship with your endocrinologist will be a long-term one, so you definitely want someone who is not only knowledgeable, but will also listen to your concerns. Did he/she give a reason for taking you off of the Metaprorol?
If you are having eye complications, the best doctor to see is an ophthalmologist. The eye component of the disease typically runs for 18 – 24 months. The period where symptoms are getting worse is referred to the “hot” phase. During the “hot” phase, the treatment approach is usually “wait and see”, unless you are experiencing compression of the optic nerve. (One sign that you might have issues with the optic nerve is if things that you know should be red suddenly start to look pink.) Once the “hot” phase is over, there is usually some improvement in symptoms…and then things eventually level out and stop changing. (This is referred to as the “cold” phase). If you reach the “cold” phase and still are having problems, there are surgical procedures that can be done to give you some relief.
As for the thinning hair, this happens to many of us when our levels are changing – either upward or downward. Hopefully, you will see this start to settle down once your thyroid levels are stabilized.
Hope this is helpful – feel free to use this board to ask questions…or just to vent. We’ve all been there!
I’m sorry to hear about both of these things that you are going through. Glad you found us !
If your Endo was the one who ran the blood work it was his DUTY to tell you not your primary. To me if you run it you better tell me, don’t wait to give the news to my general dr. so I have to go back to the endo to talk about it again. Happy he was able to find out what is going on so you can tackle it head on!
Having found out that you have Hepatitis did he say which form? Type 1 or 2 is general how it is said when dealing with autoimmune diseases or (A, B, C, D or E).
Did the endo or the general dr. refer you to a gastroenterologist?Have they ran more tests for the Hep and determined a plan of action for you?
my Gedo doctor did not put me on medication it was my family doctor… and yes I am waiting for a app. with the eye specialist . I’m not sure what hepatitis it is 1 or 2 The only thing is that is not A,B.C,D,E hepatitis. I went for a mrcp which is something like a MIR but worst,I have a appointment July 2nd with my Hepatologist ,she is going to start me on prednisone and azathioprine for my liver, the test she just had done was because my ensynes were also high in my ducks that they just found out about so I guess on the 2nd I will have more bad news” title=”Sad” /> my hair is still falling out in clunks the endo doctor added a nother pill every mon,wed,fri which does not seem to be helping. my family doctor is the best she means the world to me …. and the Hepatolgist she is so much like her but for that Gedo doctor I don’t even want to look at her she is a …… bedside manner ya she has none. when she told me that I had AUTOIMMUNE CHRONIC HEPATITIS she look at me as to say what r u stupid I guess because of the look on my face, well i was not stupid my family doctor did not want to tell me ( we r very close) she was waiting for my hepatologist to tell me she didn’t want to be the one to give me the bad news but I think the world of her
” title=”Smile” /> I will give you a update after the 2nd of July
thanks for being there (((hugs))))
Generally Type 1 or 2 would be in this case. I honestly would be furious with my general dr. if she allowed a stranger to tell me something of such importance only because she didn’t "want to". But I would have forgiven her.
Your hair falling out is common, be gentle with it and take care of it. This is only a symptom, once you are on the road to recovery you and your hair will be back to normal. Taking care of it wehn it is at its worst will help. Comb from bottom to top, no matter how hard you want to just rush out the door and brush and run please take time to be gentle with it. it makes all the difference.
Tell your family what you are going through and invest if you feel the need to in a hat or scarf to wrap around your head. when I had hair in clumps which was a long time ago, I wore my baseball hats. I have plenty now and some are sassy as my girls say… One says "yeah I fish like a girl!" my others are camo and I love them!
I decided that after I was done way back when that I would cut my hair and give it a treat. You might want to do the same, something to look forward to instead of being upset that it is coming out.
It is a horrible feeling to loose your hair in this manner so knowing what is wrong and being able to laugh a bit about it helps. I woke up one morning with hair right next to me and laughed my dh was like what is wrong with you!? I said I have a friend sleeping with us, as I pointed to my clump of hair. He looked at me as if I were mad and started laughing. To me if i coudln’t laugh at it I would have fallen into else instead of looking at it in a possitive way. I am generally a positive person so I try hard to keep up ones spirits.
You could also dye the tips a little and know they will fall out so no worries! What’s a little blue going to hurt or maybe a bit of purple! Stay away from greens though. Been there done that and well lets just say don’t lol lol !This is a journey that you are on and although a pain in the butt and can sadden you, you are not alone. We have plenty of rope to help drag you up that mountain and reach the top!!!!!
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