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  • Melissa Phipps
    Post count: 1

    Has anyone else experiencing this? I was close to a hypothyroid storm in 2020 with tsh of 137. I was put on meds and a year later started having hyper signs. I waited another year and with more extreme symptoms. I was diagnosed positive for Graves last July. I’m on methamizole with normal readings for the last 5 months. Anyone else experienced this?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Yes, some patients do report getting an early diagnosis of Hashi’s before flipping to Graves’ (or vice-versa). Hopefully, your doctor has you doing regular labs to ensure that the dose of methimazole is correct and that you aren’t flipping the other direction again. It can for sure require a delicate balancing act with meds if you are dealing with both.

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