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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I went to the local NGDF support group this morning, & I thot I’d list the leaders # just in case anyone is in the Rochester Hills area,or Troy.
    (810) 852-3073. If you call Dvora Vilcone, please tell her where you got her number. Leave a message, with your #, maybe address, & she will get back to you.

    It was good to be back at the live meeting. Everyone has a strong part that helps the one with a weak thing. We all learn together at the meeting. Also, if anyone has problems with driving/vision, there are enough of us to get you there.

    Hi, Ma Rosemary! Thanks for volunteering (did you?) to be my mom..I’m 50,
    so I guess it would have to be stepma…<g/>” title=”<g>” class=”bbcode_smiley” />..oh, my heavens, you are certainly not alone.I guess statistically we must have the characteristics of 20 -40 year olds!  I have wondered why we seem under represented by people in their 60’s & 70’s…. </p>
<p>Did I tell everyone that I started taking PTU?  So far, so good.  Felt good enough to do sit ups.  (former creampuff speaking, I intend to exercise now that I feel up to it)  When asked about the weight gain to come, the doc said, well, sure, you have the perfect set up to gain weight after, however, he said it is manageable by the standard methods, <br />& since I am a diet expert having done a lot of them, I don’t think that will be insurmountable.  (of course I’m thinking that I have committeed that statement to the air, & it may come back to haunt me…)</p>
<p>I am thankful for Graves Disease, because it is a tangeable wake up call for what the rest of my life should be.</p>
<p>Thankful for you all here, health care people, phones, books, and my car.</p>
<p>Thankful for my family and friends, & pets.</p>
<p>Thankful for the lessons I am learning about love.  </p>
<p>P.S.  Dvora said that the NGDF is looking into changing the name of GD!<br /> </g></p>


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    Post count: 93172

    Greetings All!!!

    To check if you have a support group in your area go to the top of this BB.
    Click on the National Graves Disease Foundation. Click on the gold bar for
    support groups. There is a listing by state and city. Look up your state.


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