I’m sorry you’re feeling so badly! There are a couple of things I can say ~ firstly, we’ve all been there, and I completely understand the feeling of helplessness, and also the feeling that you’re "failing" as a Mom when you’re not at your best. If it helps at all, remember that this is CHEMICAL, it’s not as if you’re "weak" and can’t get past this without help. Sometimes what you need to do is cry it ALL out, because believe it or not, it will, at some point, feel as if you’ve cried "enough," and you can perhaps start to see beyond this awful feeling. If there’s anyone you can count on for support, to help with the kids or give you just an hour’s break, I would get a hold of them and take advantage of that. Any time you can have to "get peaceful," to find a place where you can leave it all behind you, will be worth it. As odd as it sounds, you may be able to search up "help me" right here on the board, and you’ll see many posts from people who were once just as desperate as you are now. Check some of the more recent posts from those same people, and you’ll see them feeling MUCH better, being so grateful that they’ve come through the worst of it. You can count on that too ~ you WILL get better. It takes some time, that’s true. It’s nasty to deal with in the meantime, that’s true. Tell your kids about what’s going on with you in some age-appropriate way ~ I think you’ll be absolutely amazed to find out how THEY can pitch in and help when they know you’re not feeling very well. Some things you can ask them to do, and some things they’ll just do spontaneously, and it’ll touch your heart. I am still surrounded by the pictures my kids made for me with "get well soon" messages. Try to remember it’ll get better ~ even when you’re feeling your very worst, KNOW it’ll get better. I think that helps. I hope this has given you some help.
I have been crying all day. Im so stressed and angry. And alone. IDK what to do. I need someone to talk to on the phone. Someone who understands. Please help me. I just need someone to vent to and cry to right now. Im having one of my worst days today with GD. I feel so alone. I just got up from the bathroom floor I was crying so hard. My husband wont talk to me. He keeps hanging up on me. I need someone to be their for me right now. I feel like giving up. Im not being a very good mother in this state. I need help.
Call your local hospital and ask to speak to the crisis team.
Somebody there will be more than glad to listen — how horrendous for you that there’s nobody around.
I hope you’re still out there; hoping tomorrow is a better day for you.
I was just diagnosed with Graves and have been somewhat overwhelmed but trying to find out all i can. I don’t have children at home so don’t have the same feeling and emotions that you are experiencing. I do know that there are treatments out there so don’t have the feeling that it’s the end of the world. If you are a believer, try to talk to your minister. Mine has been the most caring and compassionate. Try to hook up with someone you can just pour your heart out to. Your husband probably doesn’t understand all the emotions that we go through. My husband is having his own medical issues right now so I don’t even think he understands what I’m dealing with. I have to be there for him besides try to keep my own sanity. It’s not easy but we are women…we can do it! I hope you can find the right person for you to talk to. If you need a listening ear, I will talk to you. Don’t know what help I can be but you can open up!
Speaking to your clergy person if you are faith-based is an excellent suggestion.
I hope you are having a better day today. take care.
Hi how are you feeling today?
I was so frustrated for you when I read your post. I remember that overwhelming feeling so well. This disease has a lot to answer for. Not only does it mess you up physically and make you feel awful on a "good" day but it is just a rollercoaster ride emotionally and I think all of us on here are shouting with the one voice "STOP AND LET ME OFF!!" Like Ski said there are so many posts like yours on here (sure half are mine when I was going off my head) so please please please know you are not alone – we are all here for you and I can completely sympathise. I felt like I was the worlds worst mum as I was too unwell to care for my kids and I was an emotional wreck and to be honest a complete fiend with regards to my husband – mamabear was constantly trying to settle me down
” title=”Wink” /> You know sometimes I would be posting on here and I couldn’t type fast enough to get all my frustration and venom out
I’m not going to say that it gets better that there is sunshine all the time. I thought after my op I would return to being Doris Day – nope! But I am alot better and never thought I would get to this place.
Do you think perhaps your treatment needs to be reassessed? Have you gave any consideration to longer term treatment e.g RAI /TT? My marriage was under a terrible strain after I had the TS and it was an awful time for both my husband and I. My endo was fantastic and spoke with my husband about how GD impacts upon relationships etc..
I can honestly say that the people on this board carried me through my hard times and it was heartwarming to see them (who are unwell themselves) pull together to help someone who was having a bad day or a right rotten time of it. Please hang in there – vent and get it out. PM me if you need extra support.
With a huge wrap around hug which is lifting you off that bathroom floor………
M xxx
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