Is anyone else out there struggling with depression? I just got diagnosed and wonder if it’s part of the thyroid problem or if it’s more than that? Help!
I just posted on my thread in response to your post. I did experience a lot of anxiety and panicky feelings, and moments of despair before I started the methimazole and when the Graves was in full swing. Now that I’ve been on the methimazole for 5 weeks, the anxiety, panic, and despair have all gone away. It took about 2 weeks after starting the medicine to start feeling some improvement. It’s been in the last week that I’ve started to feel more like my old self again. So, I do think that the hyperthyroid can cause a lot of mental distress and probably depression as well. Hopefully once the PTU kicks in for you, you’ll start feeling better physically, emotionally & mentally. I know that’s how it’s been for me so far on the methimazole. I’m hoping my body continues to tolerate the drug and my numbers look good in May. Do you think your depression could be PPD? I had PPD with my 1st, but this was different; my issues in the last few months were definitely related to the Graves, and not because of having a baby. I hope you feel better soon- stay positive & take one day at a time.
One other thought I had was how is your sleep? Between Graves & having a baby, I know sleep is tough! Insomnia was one of my worst symptoms (it’s getting better now), and of course having a baby up at night to breastfeed makes it hard too. When I’m seriously sleep deprived, life can seem pretty difficult- more so than when I’m rested. Maybe the depression is, in part, from not getting enough sleep? My doctor told me that taking 25 mg. of Benadryl (anihistamine only) would be okay with my ATD & breastfeeding. I’ve taken it 6 times in the last 2 months when I’ve literally had NO sleep or only 2-3 hours for a few nights in a row. It makes me groggy enough to get good sleep and I’m still awake enough to breastfeed when I need to, but I can get back to sleep easier. Obviously, I wouldn’t cosleep when I take the Benadryl, but when you really need some decent sleep, it can help a lot.
This is why I like this board. I was JUST about to start a thread on depression. I have been on methimazole for almost a year. I thought I was getting better, although still have symptoms and cannot sleep as well. Anyway, this weekend was just hard. I have a birthday coming up soon and I am reflecting on life. I feel a bit worthless. I have a lot that I have acomplished but I still feel empty inside. I have not been that nice to my boyfriend and I feel I am pushing him and everyone away. I cannot focus at work, and I don’t want to lose my job due to slow production because all I truly have is my job and what is left of my sanity. I am so tired of these feelings. I dont’ want to go on an antidepressant. I have been working out but it isn’t helping like it used to. It can be unbearable. I hope you get help and do not fall deep into this dark hole. I cry as I type because I am just plain scared. I know things could be a lot worse but I feel like eventually I will end up withdrawn, alone, bald, fat, and probably…I just feel like I don’t want to keep breathing..I’m sorry…I’m just really really …I feel so horrible and this won’t go away. I cannot call my friends because they all lean on me. I’m sorry for this but if I don’t get these feelings of hopeless out I may.. I just might…I need to pray. Pray for me.
I am on Zoloft 100mg as this was started before the hyperthyroid was diagnosed. I even started counseling to see if that would help or if it was postpartum. I’ve done okay the first 6 months& am sleeping ok as the baby usually sleeps through the night. And Zoloft helped the insomnia i had
I hear what you say about withdrawing. I’m now doing that. I just wanna give up and cry. Or just go back before all this started when I was happy & normal. If others will pray for me to and help encourage me at this tough time
I m praying for you. We talk so much about our levels, the stress and the meds, but a lot of us shy away from the severe depression. I am going to call my endo tomorrow and see if she can prescribe me something to help. I am also going to reach out to a help line. I need to speak to someone tonight. I keep crying and I just feel really tired. That is not a good sign. I went through this before but with the Graves. It is much worse with Graves I guess. Thanks for your encouragement and your post. Yes, i will continue to pray for you, please pray for me.
Depressed here too. Too depressed in fact to elaborate much…wishing you all well.
Hi all – For those who haven’t seen this bulletin, this does a nice job of discussing some of the mental, emotional, and cognitive issues that can come with Graves’:
(Note on links: if you click directly on the following links, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).
If symptoms persist after thyroid hormone levels are back in balance — or if suicidal thoughts come into play — it is important to get immediate help. Clinical depression is a serious issue that *is* treatable, but requires appropriate medical intervention…this is not something that you can “think happy thoughts” to pull out of.
Thanks for the post and the link on depression.
On a side note: I wish that we could not *see* how many folks lurked on this page but did not reply. I was at my breaking point that night and it felt even more depressing to see that some folks read and looked at this but offered no support. I know, maybe they didn’t know what to say. It just made me feel a bit saddened. Those who did post I am truly thankful, as I am sure the one who started this post is happy for responses too.
There are may symptoms or topics that many do not have so I can understand not commenting, but I do know that most have either suffered from depression or know someone who has. We have all been affected by suicidal tendencies.
Cannot wait until my meds really kick in and kick out my sensitivity chip. I won’t care so much then LOL. thanks for “lurking” if you are reading this and will not post a reply.
this board is helping me. In so many ways.
Thanks to all for posting and replying. Kim, I especially appreciated the link as it made me realize how all these symptoms may just be the graves.
Having a much better day and trying to take it one day at a time like someone else said
Darcy43 wrote:Thanks for the post and the link on depression.On a side note: I wish that we could not *see* how many folks lurked on this page but did not reply. I was at my breaking point that night and it felt even more depressing to see that some folks read and looked at this but offered no support. I know, maybe they didn’t know what to say. It just made me feel a bit saddened. …..
Cannot wait until my meds really kick in and kick out my sensitivity chip. I won’t care so much then LOL. thanks for “lurking” if you are reading this and will not post a reply.
I think there are valid reasons for viewing posts without replying, such as seeking advice on a similar topic or feeling one’s own advice is redundant or not as valid as current ones.
I imagine a lot of people look at the posts regarding depression because so many of us have been hit by it to some degree and don’t know how to respond. I can’t add much but I agree about the sleep. Whatever your situation, you (we all) need that down time of sleep. It seems so much easier to handle things after a good sleep, and we know being hyperthyroid makes that tough.
Darcy43 – I DO understand, I’m new here, diagnosed today. Will pick up my meds this evening. I found this site trying to understand what I have. I can so relate to the crying and depression. ( my boss has stated that I am ‘unstable’)
I didn’t know until now, that this is also a symptom. I went to my Dr because I lost 30lbs in 5 weeks and wanted to find out why, since I wasn’t trying to lose weight. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 2 1/2 years ago and on synthroid 100 since then, until all hell broke loose. With the research I’ve done, I think my dose should have been lowered at some point, hence moving into hyper stage. I want the antibody test done, to see if its actually Graves that is causing the hyperthyroidism or over medication. I’ve been off the synthroid for a month. The weight loss has slowed down to a couple lbs a week instead of 6 a week when it first started.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this, I guess I just wanted you to know that you aren’t the only one crying and feeling out of control.
Bless you and hang in there.This reference article you linked us to Kimberly was extremely helpful. It could have been written about me personally, and I’m sure everyone who reads it can relate. I learned from my doctor that the brain represents 25% of your body’s metabolism, so any abnormal thyroid functioning can affect your brain’s activity. I’m quite sure (with my labs once again out of normal back in hyper state) that’s why I continue to experience moodiness, irritability, anger, frustration, inability to concentrate, emotional meltdowns and more. At this point, after 7 years on anti-thyroid drugs with only 1 remission I’m seriously contemplating another treatment option like RAI or surgery (weighing them carefully in the context of having ongoing thyroid eye disease issues too).
Thank you NCPatches…I hope you start to feel better. We are not alone.
Hang in there and we will just have to buy stock in Kleenex lol.
PolishTym wrote:I think there are valid reasons for viewing posts without replying, such as seeking advice on a similar topic or feeling one’s own advice is redundant or not as valid as current ones.Very true, plus some of us (like me) have been known to forget if we’ve already read the latest post in a particular thread, and so we end up opening it multiple times.
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