Well, thanks to my lovely H GD another relationship has gone down the drain. My 1.5 year relationship just ended. I am so upset but am trying to stay strong for my health. I don’t know what to do anymore. Im tired of loosing people I love because of my health. I just wish this never happened to me, it sucks and I hate everything about it. It’s always something new every day. Why can’t it just go away. Im tired of crying, im tired of hurting and not being able to do the things i love because of how ill feel aftewards….I don’t care about anything anymore I just don’t. I have no strength left and no one in my rlife truely understands my emotional liablity. I hate being along, I hate being in huge crowds. I can never sleep at night and have no desire to work or go to school. All i want to do is lay on my bed watch tv and have my phone by myside incase I need help.
I need help emotionally, mentally and all i want to do is be able to fit into my cloths…if my weight keeps falling off ill be down to nothing…
” title=”Sad” /> Im going for my surgery conslutation the 9th but am terrified about that cause of all the parathyroid crap and everthing else…..im sick of it all…..ugh…..
Thanks for listening to me vent, im just hurting and the worst thing is i have no way out…..
I hope I can help.
First of all, are you seeing your physician as regularly as needed? I’m concerned about the weight loss, your lack of strength and your emotional state as well.
Second of all, have you spoken to a mental health professional about how you feel? Pick up a phone and call your local hospital; there is a crisis team worker there. You can talk the person and the cost is no charge at all.
Same goes for a social worker employed by your town; that would be another good start to get some of your feelings out into the open.
Is there a GD support group in your area? That would be something else to check out.
Keeping a journal also helps. (I’ve found it also helps to chart how you feel day by day; that’s what I’ve been doing since I was diagnosed two months ago) Another excellent way to vent your feelings.
Have you thought of writing a "Dear GD" Letter? Very cathartic way to vent; write away and really have at it…and when you’re done, burn the thing.
If you’re going to see a surgeon for a consult, it’s especially key to make sure you’re in the best physical condition possible for surgery. And again, what about your endo? Have you been seeing him as well as possible? your meds may need to be adjusted; again, he is the best judge of that.
The mods here are a great help. Let’s see what other input they have for you.
I wish you health and happiness. Take care and let us know how you are doing.
I think you did a great job, Madame X, on this one. You did an excellent and thorough job of making helpful suggestions.
And, Hopeful, there IS a way out, and you are taking it. You have a consultation with a surgeon set up. Yes, you are scared (who wouldn’t be — it shows you are thinking), but you know that you need to get effective treatment for the disease.
I’m sorry your relationship failed.
I would talk to your doctor about an anti-depressant giving the state of things. They can really help you mood improve. Once the dark cloud of depression hits it can be nearly impossible to lift it..( or so it feels) you need a good support group… US HERE.. ON THIS BOARD. We are here to listen and struggle with you. You need to try and keep perspective which I know is hard. There is always someone out there that has it worse. Eating healthy and exercising is really important also. I know you don’t want to move out of bed, let alone talk about activity. But the truth of the situation is, you have to force yourself. You have to tell your self that you are a strong person and you’re going to beat this. Your will power has to kick in. If you alienate yourself from society and school and work your just making it worse on yourself. Even though you don’t want to you must because in the long run it will help. I’m so sorry that you are at a low point right now. But you have the rest of your life ahead of you, don’t limit yourself.
Ps: A great trick to beating depression is to make a list. Make a list of all your worries and problem. Then on the other side write possible solutions to those problems. Then make a list of all that you have and are grateful for.
What makes you a great friend? What are you good at? What are some of your accomplishments you are proud of? etc…. It puts thing in perspective. It shows you the things you forget about..the things that are important!I’m here to listen any time you want to vent!
Or e-mail me: sosmundsen@yahoo.com
hey there i was really sorry to hear you feel this way, and i often feel down myself, i dont always believe taking anti depressants are the best thing as it is more medication to mess with your body, but if that is what you feel comfortable doing then that is fine. I personally feel a positive mental attitude can really lift your mood and i know it is difficult when you feel so low, there are a lot of books and people out there who can help you. do you have anyone close to you who you can talk to?
I am glad I was able to help.
If you’re religious based or spiritually-based, confide in your clergyperson, also.
When you get your energy back, try your hand at volunteering. When I’m down in the dumps, I find the best way to lift my spirits is to do something for somebody else.
You’ll be helping somebody else and donating your free time, as well. You can start small: the local after school program for youth rec, your house of worship (if you worship — there are usually lots of things to volunteer for; a spare pair of hands and somebody with free time is always welcome to volunteer) — those are to name a couple of places to start.
wow, I can’t thank you all enoough. You all are so great and I am so appreciative of all your responses. I thankyou all so much for taking the time out of your days to respond to my topics….I just want to feel better thats all
” title=”Sad” />
Hopeful23, I know what you mean, I am upset that GD EVER happened to me also. I also get bouts of being depressed because GD does give me a lot of pain/tiredness/tummy-gi upset and that all ads up to me not being able to complete my responsabilities. I feel really bad not being there for my dh and kids in the way I want to be.
I think your feelings are normal, and like another poster, I don’t want to add anything else to the mix of drugs that are already circulating in my body.
There is soo much experience here on the board. And people who care. Here is a support group for you.
Right now, concentrate on you getting better. It’s been mentioned over and over, don’t make any life changing decisions for, I think it was, a year. Get GD under control before you do anything else.
Take a hot bath and read a light weight book.
Go to bed and watch tv until you fall asleep.
Buy a pretty journal and a fancy pen and write a little bit every night.
Just treat yourself, get rid of the stress, and get better.
I hope you feel comfort and renewed strength soon!
Are you still with us?
How are you today?
Hopeful – Yes, are you there?
I have been on antidepressants since my first Graves symptoms. I am still not wanting to go off for fear of the anxiety and depression. I have been on them a year and a half – prior to this, I was off any antidepressant I ever tried within 6 weeks. I am a huge believer in behavioral approaches so try to use time on antidepressants to shift my life and then get off of them. This time it is different. I want to be sure my levels are stable first. I was so irritable – well I really damaged some relationships I cared about during that time. I am surprized I still have a job or a family. I had a psychologist coach me in an exercise about writing about what it would be like (as in how it would be different) if there were less stress from my job (pre Graves diagnosis and just after symptoms started). I thought about it a lot. Came up with the answer. The next question was harder – What could I do to act like this change had already happened? I had just blown up at one of my workplace mentors and almost quit my job. I was hardly sleeping and I knew that was feeding it. Then I remembered my short stint on one antidepressant that helped me sleep and got rid of a lot of the irritability – it had been several years since I had been on it but I thought of it immediately. I made an apt with my PCP who started me on it at my request. Honestly, I got feeling so much better that had my bone scan not been off and my eyes so sensative, I would never have guessed I was as ill as I was with Graves. I honestly don’t know what would have happened if I had not made this small change in myself to create the world I was trying to create at work. Loosing my job and insurance then could have been horrific – and my family had not seen me so off-base in 20 years so I don’t know that they would have been thrilled taking me in at that point.
Another thought on depression – all depression is helplessness of one sort or another. In my case, just taking action to get on antidepressants made me feel less helpless. I did have some control over the situation after all. Depression is such a horrible place – please stay in touch with us. Cathy
I’ve had bouts of depression since before I was diagnosed with GD and went through the gamut of psych drugs, none of which helped much and most of which had side effects worse than the depression. After being diagnosed with GD and treated with RAI, as my thryoid levels started to come down I suddenly had a spell of feeling more "well" (from a mental health perspective) than I ever recalled feeling in my life–it was like someone suddenly turned on a light switch I didn’t know was there. The thryoid levels continued down, and as I become hypothyroid, I found the depression returning. I have a terrific endocrinologist and he and I worked together to adjust my Synthroid dose. We found that by keeping me very mildly hyperthyroid–just barely above the upper limits of normal–it’s greatly improved my mood problems. Although this is somewhat controversial, and not entirely without some long-term risks (such as osteoporosis, eventually–though the endo says that while I’m still premenopausal it’s not such a concern)–it’s also not entirely with precedent. Scientific studies have supported the addition of thyroid hormones to antidepressants to improve response in treating depression.
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