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  • elizross
    Post count: 6

    I think I’m finally cracking up. Was diagnosed with Graves 5 years age and had RAI treatment. I currently suffer with ocular and pretibial myxedemas.
    From time to time I have trouble concentrating and thinking clearly. Today I was filling out a form and for a split second couldn’t remember my address! I have read that if T3 and T4 levels are off, Graves sufferers can experience a bout of dementia. That seems extreme but I am very worried about how this would affect the ability to do my job. The decisions I make affect the financial stability of many people. Has anyone ever heard of someone having to go on disability because of Graves? I’m 62 and planned to work to 70.
    GDATF is a blessing – thank you all.

    Post count: 225

    Hi Elizross, I too worry about the mental effects of GD. I see little changes in what I remember, mistakes I wouldn’t have made in the past, things I wouldn’t have forgotten. I can’t afford to have my brain go out on me either! I’m pretty new to this – my levels aren’t stable yet so maybe some oldtimers here will share more. I did a post a while back titled something like “I want my brain back” that got some replies you might find helpful.

    Here it is:

    Post count: 333
    Post count: 333


    This disease is terrible. It gets us by the head and slaps us around.

    I hope what you are experiencing elizross is just from feeling tired. I can see how being tired can make one forget a thing or two. When I was very sick the first week I had to triple check my check book to make sure I wasn’t missing anything when paying my bills. I was super super tired and I knew I was bound to make a mistake.


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