I think I’m finally cracking up. Was diagnosed with Graves 5 years age and had RAI treatment. I currently suffer with ocular and pretibial myxedemas.
From time to time I have trouble concentrating and thinking clearly. Today I was filling out a form and for a split second couldn’t remember my address! I have read that if T3 and T4 levels are off, Graves sufferers can experience a bout of dementia. That seems extreme but I am very worried about how this would affect the ability to do my job. The decisions I make affect the financial stability of many people. Has anyone ever heard of someone having to go on disability because of Graves? I’m 62 and planned to work to 70.
GDATF is a blessing – thank you all.Hello – First, having thyroid levels out of balance can absolutely affect us mentally and emotionally. If you are noticing that something is off, definitely get in for a set of labs. If things are out of balance, a dosage adjustment should get you some relief from the symptoms you are experiencing. This is a nice bulletin from the Foundation that goes over some of the mental and emotional changes that can occur when our levels aren’t right:
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On the disability issue, the process of filing for Disability is very bureaucratic and very time-consuming. Getting a claim through for Graves’ disease can be very challenging, as it’s difficult to *quantify* the symptoms. (The majority of the people I know who have been successful with claims have either had a second autoimmune condition or severe eye involvement.) If you are currently working, that will result in an automatic denial. It’s helpful to have an experienced disability attorney on your side to guide you through this process. Here is a site that offers attorney referrals: http://www.nosscr.org/ Keep in mind that by law, a disability attorney cannot charge you until your case is settled, although they *can* bill for reimbursement for reasonable expenses such as photocopying medical records.
Hope this helps!
I have been having similar issues. Sometimes I forget my age, I am 22, and I forget a lot of times something someone tells me. I used to have a great memory. I could retain many different things. Now I struggle with concentrating on school work, I was doing school online and had to put it all on hold temporarily due to my lack of concentration and ability to retain information. I am excellent with words, always considered myself intelligent and now I find myself forgetting the right word to use or the proper spelling when it used to come so easy for me. It is frustrating at times. I even find myself forgetting what I was doing at work, which causes me issues from time to time because I work in a retail store and customers get frustrated on occasion when you forget.
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