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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    All i can do is tell you my experience. When i was hyper and before treatment decongestants caused me a big problem. My endo and general practicioner both told me to stay off of decongestants until my heart rate and blood pressure were under control with my beta blocker. Once they were under control i was to monitor my heart rate when i was on them. If the heart rate got to high i couldn’t take them. Same with an antahistamine. That was a bummer since i have allergies.
    Virginia In MN

    Post count: 93172

    Evening all.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Not too bad here aside from a bit of a cold. Which brings me to a quiestion… I did ask the pharmacist but he wasnt certain and couldnt give me a properr answer.

    Having had enough ot being able to smell or breath properly I got some decongestants… bvut being good like I am (uhm.. most of the time :)) I read the leaflet… one of the exceptions is Thyroid disorders. Having read more about what possible side effects to the drug are (increased heart rate and blood preasure, dizziness) I figured this meant mainly over active thyroid.. so I asked my pharmacist and he did know… had a look in his books and couldnt find anything…. this does not inspire confidence!

    Anyway I was just wondering if anyone knew what the deal was… all in all between us we have probably have well in excess of 100 years of experience with GD and such (bet none of you have that thought too much! ;))

    But since I am still kinda level (uhm.. ish) with my heart rate at the moment I really wish I could get an answer…. granted I could go see my Dr but the trouble there is that his appointment book is full foir the next 2 weeks (mental note:… book appointment to see doc 4 weeks before illness) Suggestions would be welcome if anyone has any experience, though for the moment I am taking the chicldrens dosage and feel okay…still cant breath right or smell right but at least food is starting to have taste…

    Right well time to go… gonna go get some dinner then got more work to do. Which reminds me… somone please remind me to take a thursday off sometime so I can stop by one wednesday evening!

    Take care and hope you all have a good weekend, whats left


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Andy,

    Sorry to hear about the cold, but here’s my experience with decongestants–my endo said I could take the little red Sudafed, but not Afrin or any other brand of decongestants. (I take one instead of two because meds affect me strangely). Turns out that my Claritin-D was also a problem for me (the D is a decongestant).

    Even as “normal” where I am now post-RAI, that darn Claritin-D was causing my blood pressure to be too high. Gads. So, I’ve switched to Allegra and am doing well.

    As a non-decongestant alternative, I can strongly recommend a saline nasal spray (drug free) to help open those sinus passages. (Throw it away after this cold). And, a steamy shower can really help, too.

    Can you put in a call to your doctor’s office and get a call-back on this kind of thing? That’s what I did when I got a sinus infection. I told his nurse, “Please! My kingdom for a decongestant!”

    Wishing you clear sinuses,

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