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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I had the surgery in Aug. 99. It depends on whether you have a partial or total thyroidectomy done. I am on replacement therapy because I had a total thyroidectomy done. They left two of my parathyroid glands and that is it.

    Hope this helps.

    Good Luck.

    Post count: 93172

    I am seeing the surgeon on Tues so I don’t know which I need a partial or full but my goiter is huge!

    Post count: 93172

    When you see your surgeon, ask him/her how many of these surgeries he/she has performed and what if any complications he ran into. It is better to ask these questions up front…if he has only done a few of these surgeries you may want to find one who has done many.

    Just a thought. And good luck :)

    Post count: 93172

    I don’t know if those statistics are correct, but everything I’ve read indicates that with either surgery or RAI, you will have to take thyroid replacement meds. There’s just no good way to avoid it and it doesn’t seem realistic to expect it. (Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be hypo once you get your meds regulated. It’s just a passing thing that the meds fix, not a permanent state. The reason you take the meds is so you aren’t hypo.)

    I opted for RAI and to kill my thyroid completely. That’s what was recommended to me by two endos (for my specific case), and it makes sense to me that it’s easier to get regulated on thyroid replacement if your own thyroid is dead, rather than a half-dead or half-existing thyroid cranking out thyroid hormone in an irregular way. Mind you, this is my opinion, and I weighed things carefully before I made my decision. It’s good that you’re looking into all of this because it’s important stuff to find out.

    Most of all, make sure you’re comfortable with your decision and don’t rush into it. If you’re not ready to make a decision by next week, then don’t, unless your health is demanding an immediate decision. Feeling good about your choice is *really* important. It will work wonders for you on days when you’re not feeling well.

    Good luck!


    Post count: 93172

    I will have to decide by Tues, 04/04/00. I am leaning more towards the surgery! I have not viewed any responses for the surgery! My endo said the chances that I will be hypo afterwards is about 90% with RAI and I will probably have to take a thyroid harmone for the rest of my life. He stated with the surgery, I will be cured immediately and the percentage of hypo is about 60% Anyone have any idea if this is correct. Help!!

    Post count: 93172

    Thanks, Melinda!! I’m really feeling overwhelmed today! I have developed a rapid heartbeat and already have two mummers, so I guess I need to decide pretty soon. I’ll let you know on Wed.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Pam and thanks for the info. I have no idea if it is a partial or complete!! I am just starting to read all the literature since I was diagnosed! I certainly will ask!! I’ll let you know on Wed.

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