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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I had to smile when I read your note. My sister was beside herself when
    she found out I had Graves disease. The only information she had readily
    available to read when I told her was an old medical book.
    In this book it said people with Grave disease eventually lose their
    minds. She didn’t tell me this at the time but appeared at my door the
    very next day. She wanted to read EVERYTHING I had on Graves disease.
    Then she told me about the information she read. She said she hadn’t
    slept at all the nite before because she was afraid eventually I’d lose
    my mind and have to be institutionalized.

    The book she had was about 25 years old .. great for us things have

    My Endo is super; I can’t complain. She’s a WOMAN. I never though I’d
    have a preference in physicians but now I do. Previously I was being
    treated by a dermatologist for months and months; MALE. He spent more
    time pacifying me than treating me. I changed from him to a woman
    dermatologist, and it made all the difference in the world. That was my
    deciding factor for choosing my Endo from the highly recommended group
    here in our town. I picked the woman; there were two in the group.

    I think a woman can understand better than a man can (no offense intended)
    just my opinion. I just figure, they can relate better.

    So that’s my story. Comments anyone?

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