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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I went to Anchorage imaging center today, they gave me some radioactive pill
    and checked out see how much iodine was still left in my body. This deal is
    really starting to get on my nerves. My stepdad has to drive me 40 miles into
    Anchorage to have this done. I would do it myself, but my car ended upside down
    in a ditch around Christmas and was just fixed today. Tomorrow I get some pictures
    of my thryoid taken. Friday I see a specialist.
    I just found out that relatives on both my mother and fathers sides of the family
    have had thyroid problems, so, this is where it comes from.
    Thank you for support.

    Post count: 93172

    Hey Keith,

    Hang in there, and welcome to the game of graves and all its little tricks.
    There are many people here who own the rule book on this game,so if
    you have any questions,im sure everyone here is playing to help you
    through these times.

    thanks, steve- good luck

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