Well here it is Day 2 and I feel like crap! Didn’t sleep well last night had the shakes almost all night maybe due to the dose of Iodine being I have been avoiding it as much as possible.Had some crazy eye twitch last night as I was attempting to fall asleep maybe not related but we will see. well maybe AZGravesGuy will chime in on how he is feeling, being we both are going through this at the same time. This also might serve as help for those scheduled to do the RAI, or considering to do it make a decision .
Slept terribly last night as well. Your eye twitch could be residual stress, but if it continues or is bothersome, call your dr. just to be safe. The shakes I didn’t experience. Are you eating?
I feel normal but hot. WARM! sweating profusely. Heart rate stable at 97 with Atenolol, but just dripping wet.
Keep us posted so we can compare notes.
Already planned on talking with my docs if the twitch continued, and yes eating very well my wife was having fun with playing room service last night she would leave food out side the door and knock, plus we are texting back and forth she just dropped a bag of Ice off for my cooler full of water yogurt and other snacks.I am as well warmer than normal, not so much today as I was last night. Missing my bed that is for sure fell off of our futon about 4 times last night.
I think you’re both going through a “thyroid dump” where your stored thyroid hormone dumps into your system after RAI and causes hyper symptoms to be more pronounced for a few days or so after treatment. From what I understand, it’ll subside. I didn’t have RAI (I had surgery), but I’m dealing with crappy sleep as well trying to get the Synthroid right. I think I’m overmedicated right now as I’m sweating a lot and not sleeping well. I had a dose increase 5 weeks ago- I want labs to see if I can alternate higher & lower doses every other day. Fun times.
Hello, my name is Janis, Ihad my rai this morning.I feel ok so far, feeling very, very warm.However I feel like that most of the time.I am so looking foward to feeling normal,if I even remember what that feels like. Being hypo thyroid has to be better than being hyper. I Hope!
Welcome, janis! Keep in mind that the goal post-RAI is to follow labs closely and start replacement hormone in a timely manner to ensure that patients are not allowed to go hypO.
The latest medical guidelines note that it’s preferable to avoid overt hypothyroidism, especially post-RAI hypothyroidism is believed to be a risk factor for development/worsening of the eye involvement.
Take care — and keep us posted!
Thank you for your response, I was told by my endo to come back 6 weeks after the RAI.I thought that was a long time to wait for follow up blood work.Maybe it would be wise to schedule an appt sooner.It is very concerning that my Dr did not inform me of that risk. He said I would probably become hypo and would be managed on synthroid. I am terrified of eye involvement as i do have slight problem with my left eye. I was put on prednisone which will be titrated down over the next four weeks. As scarey as this is I believe the RAI was the right move for me. I am thankfull that i found this forum.
Hi Janis – Sounds like your docs are on top of the potential eye issues. A follow up at 6 weeks is pretty common…but if you do start to feel hypo symptoms coming on sooner, definitely see if you can get a set of labs more quickly.
Every patient is different, but common symptoms of hypo can include fatigue, joint pain, unexplained weight gain, constipation, dry skin, cold intolerance, and slow pulse.
Take care!
I’m supposed to have RAI on Wednesday and am totally fearful of the whole thing. As I’m reading your postings, it’s really making me not want to have the treatment. The whole Synthroid thing seems to be troubling. Does anyone ever get the right dose and ever feel better? I have not read where anyone has the RAI, takes Synthroid and feels normal again.
Yes, mariaboo, thousands upon thousands of us get the correct dose of synthroid (or other replacement hormone brand) and get back to normal life. Just because you read about problems online does NOT mean that problems are the “norm.” This board, and others like it, are skewed to “not normal.” People who get healthy again disappear, and only infrequently pop in to offer moral support.
Phew – thanks Bobbi. I was beginning to question what I was about to do.
I’m on a low iodine diet this week. What if I ate some iodized salt by accident, and didn’t know it? I’ve tried to be very careful on what I was eating and to follow the guidelines.
Thanks again – Maria
A low iodine diet is intended to ensure that the thyroid takes up as much of the RAI as possible when you take the dose. Any small amount of iodine you may have ingested won’t ruin the effect of having used a low iodine diet in preparation.
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