I know some folks gain weight with Graves’ disease and use Over the Counter supplements to try to take the weight off. The FDA just issued a warning to stop using Hydroxycut products due to possible liver failure and other problems.
http://www.fda.gov/consumer/updates/hyd … 050109.pdf
I know there were people in our local support group that tried this method to lose weight. With Graves’ disease and the possible liver issues with some of our meds, adding a dietary supplement like hydroxcut can amplify the issues greatly.
If you are using this supplement, please go to the link on the FDA site for the latest information on what has been recalled and how to report any possible side effects that you may have encountered.
As always we ask that you tell your doctor and pharmacist of all OTC meds, supplements etc, that you are taking because as in this case they can cause greater risk to our personal safety.
I’m just losing weight (or trying to) with a low-carb diet. No drugs for me!
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Mickey – Nothing better than good old diet and exercise to loose weight. I was reading recently that it does not matter which diet we follow – as long as we actually stick with it. For me – it is the low cholesterol diet these days. It is pretty good for keeping weight off, too. Three cheers to you for taking good care of yourself!!!
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I am one of those fortunate people who gaines weight with Graves DIsease. Oh I can also lose it really fast like in three weeks… *look at self and think I look fab.. * then its all back within three months again.
So I choose to eat real food, I make. I don’t eat out. I DON"T eat chinese food, it makes me serioulsy ill, like I have food poisoning. Peanut butter, as well as some yogurts also make me feel ill. SO I stay away from those foods.
Right now, I have no motivation to do anything.. I know it will change, so I eat more smaller meals throughout the day.
Eat Healthy get lots of fresh air, and do what makes you feel good.Warning! If you have Graves, check with your Doctor about Thermogenics Diet Center program before trying it. I am sure for people with other types of thyroid disorders might be ok but it has messed my system up so bad, I cannot figure out how to get back on track. Was doing well on Armor thyroid for several months. Though, weight was still a problem.Tried Thermogenics. Three weeks in, misery and could not finish program, though I did lose weight. I just couldn’t function anymore. TSH and T3 labs are all over the place. RBC and WBC a mess. High calcium and then low…..body hurts, eyes, teeth, nausea, bones, muscles, headache-oh God, headaches!….. NOW its a pituitary tumor. AND THE WEIGHT IS BACK. How can somone be so hyper and yet gain this weight back-grrrrrrrrrrr. My doctor is baffled. I am lost. Don’t know where to turn. For those with Graves-stay away from Thermogenics.
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