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  • MathTeach1
    Post count: 5

    Brief background – I was diagnosed with Graves in the spring of 2008 (TSH at that point was unmeasureably low) and had RAI in November of the same year. Other than trying to find that "magic dose" of synthroid that will keep me in balance, I’m glad I had the procedure done. It made my life liveable again.

    Fast forward to Christmas Eve of 2009. I started coughing, and I couldn’t shake the cough. After months of fiddling around with various possible causes, I saw a pulmonologist in July. Had tests run in August. Had my follow up on Monday.

    I have GERD, which he expected, but then he tossed out this "oh, and you have CVID too". Google is not my friend in this case, as I’m getting conflicting information.

    Does anyone know of a reliable website to get information on Common Variable Immunodeficiency, and is there a connection between this and Graves?


    Post count: 484

    I don’t know anything about CVID but I tend to trust WebMD as a good starting point for things. Mayo clinic is usually good too.


    Post count: 4294

    I’m not that familiar with CVID, but I don’t believe it is an autoimmune condition…so I’m not sure if there is a connection with Graves’.

    Can you call the doc’s office back and ask for some good resource material — books, published studies, web sites, etc.? That is quite a bombshell to drop on a patient in passing. Hopefully, the doc at least referred you to another specialist for further evaluation and a discussion of next steps.

    Best of luck!

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