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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Just had to throw in my little bit of info. I couldn’t pay the $10,000 for the Orbital irradiation I had and found the hospital did have funds to cover such things if you can prove you can’t pay for it.


    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the answers–not as bad as I had feared! I didn’t want to call the hospital, because I’ve done that before and they always forget to add costs from other depts., etc. Thanks, too, you Canadians, for your empathy! It’s not as bad as it sounds, really–many hospitals will waive their fees for low-income people. Robin, I hope you’ve looked into this–have you spoken to the billing office–maybe they have a program?Abigail

    Post count: 93172

    Here’s a way to save money on RAI: Ask in advance what the charges will be and ask for an itemization to know if the hospital plans to charge you for a room. Even though it is only a matter of swallowing a pill or drinking a solution, some hospitals put you in a private room to accomplish this and then charge for a day! I told them I’d meet them out in the parking lot and they could hand me the pill and watch me take it. They opted for the lab as a setting and didn’t charge for a room.

    Post count: 93172

    I received my bill for the RAI today and just about died. It was $5000!
    WOW! Is that normal?????? I had no earthly idea!
    (Yes, thank the Lord, I do have insurance, but still….it just blows my mind!)

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