Hey, I saw your post and was compelled to reply; I’ll give you the short list of why I think I can help you with this:
Roughly two years of undiagnosed Hyperthyroid.
At 11 years old I was diagnosed with Graves Disease; after my eyes bulged, my nails broke and my hair line was receding as well as thinning out every where.
My meds were never right and I was unable to stay in remission for more than 2/4/6 weeks.
At 15, the Dr decided, because of my age, to perform a Full Thyroidectamy…
Nothing has changed, at all, except getting sick, better, crazy, sick and sick (I’m 27)!Currently I’m tested every six weeks. Went from 100mcg to 100mcg M-F and 125 Sat-Sun: TSH was high with a result of 5.10 which is low (confusing right). Now I’m on 137mcg, the goal is 0.8 to 2.5…
Now that I’ve babbled
” title=”Wink” /> let me get to you.
Ask for name brand? although it’s more expensive some of us have actually felt healthier.
Trust the Dr/Nurse but if you feel funny, always request labs, it your body not theirs and really no but us get’s it. The people treating you have text books but you have yourself and your body will tell you. In my personal experience, what your feeling is just a part of GD and there will always be another. Get yourself prepared for the lifelong response of "that could very possibly be a side effect/symptom of your Graves."This is how it will be but once that registers you’ll have nothing to do but accept it. Leg cramps can be debilitating, from your hips to you knees with your thighs burning. Sitting or walking won’t help just waiting for it to pass. Sometimes you’ll be having a great time and it hits you and it sicks! I have to contort my body in all sorts of ways just to try and get some relief. It works a little but people stare… I just stare back with the GD stare;)
I hope this help a little.
~Natp.s. symptoms of hypo/hyper all end up feeling the same so you just can’t be sure.
I was diagnosis with GD in March was taken generic brand for topazol my levels were normal for 2 months the Doctor didn’t reduce my meds so than I went right into Hypo. I fianlly saw a Endo told me to get off the meds until I can get leveled again. I’ve been off the meds for over a month now, the nurse called me today told me my levels were normal to contuine to stay off the meds in about 4 weeks take another lab test. Now I feel a little weird. I have chills, my hands are cold. I’m losing my hair and my skin has been itching, I’m having leg cramps or muscle aches.. I feel like have some symptoms of Hyper and some have Hypo. Is this how it will be?
If it were me, I would call the doctor and get an appointment for more blood work. The only way to tell if thyroid issues are making you feel this crumby is to get the blood test done. If it "isn’t thyroid" you could then ask your doctor to try to figure out what IS going on. But there are a few, unlucky souls who have the antibodies for both Graves AND Hashimotos thyroiditis (which causes hypo). They can cycle between hyperthyroid levels and hypo ones.
Wishing you better days soon.
This is a P.S. to my post above. You mentioned that your doctor didn’t lower your methimazole when you tested "normal" while on the drug. That is standard procedure. The goal of giving that medication is to interfere with just enough thyroid hormone production to keep you in the normal zone. So, seeing a normal thyroid reading, your doctor would have thought that the dose you were on was "just right." Obviously, since you subsequently went hypo on that dose, it was not just right OR something in your body changed. Our antibody levels do rise and fall for no well-understood reason. And what is the appropriate dose of antithyroid medication at one time, may not be the dose that is needed forever.
Just fyi.
You have described my leg pain excatly. it starts from the hips and goes to my knees and down to my ankle at times. I always thought it was because I am over weight. I have gone back to the gym. I have started doing leg excerises at home to see if it helps take away the pain and cramps. thank you for your inout.Bobbi,
I will call the doctor to let him know I’m feeling a little weird. It’s hard to describe the feeling. It does feel like I have both hypo and hyper symptoms. Is that crazy?? Thank you for responding to me.Liza
Not crazy at all! Many symptoms are alike, between hypo and hyper ~ fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, the list goes on (and on and on, unfortunately).
” title=”Wink” />
Hi Liza – If our levels are falling fast, most endos *may* reduce the dosage of Anti-Thyroid Drugs once we reach the "normal" range, in hopes of keeping us out of hypO territory.
I keep a big notebook with all my labs that I bring to every endo appointment. So I know exactly if my levels are high or normal and whether they are rising or falling. I have challenged my endo a couple of times on dosing issues, and both times, I have been proven right. Now they do a better job of listening to me.
Also, I don’t know how your appointments are set up, but my endo’s office gives me a lab slip to use *before* my next appointment. Then we can spend the appointment time discussing the results…as opposed to me getting a phone call after the fact saying "do this" or "do that".
Best of luck!
I have had GD for nine years and have been on Methimazole (1mg/ day). I am recently having the same issues with leg cramps, muscle aches, and cold chills. I have been told by my Endo not to worry about chills, but I see that allergic side effects of Methimazole (Tapazole) can cause this. As for leg cramps I was told by a homeopathic chiropractor to take magnesium and drink more water, this does seem to help. Also Midol works for leg cramps. Our thyroid regulates several organs in our bodies, including heart rate (that cause femoral hand tremors), hormones, etc.
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