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  • angelamercy
    Post count: 20

    You would think I would know this by now yet I do not. My endo’s nurse just called. Currently I am taking 137 mg a day if levothyroxin. Thyroid removed 1/2012.

    TSH is low. T3 and T4 are normal. She wants to decrease mess by 1/2 one day a week.

    Am I hypo or hyper? I am going to a different end tomorrow because I have energy & crash, losing weight is difficult, insomnia some days, plus my hands are shaking. I would like a T3 supplement and my Dr tells me I am medically treated. Ugh!

    Thank you.

    Angela Mercy

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – TSH that is out of range on the low side is associated with hypERthyroidism. If TSH is low, but T3/T4 are normal, that is referred to as “subclinical hyperthyroidism”. So the doc is reducing your meds to try and get the TSH back up into the normal range.

    Subclinical hyper can be associated with an increased risk of bone loss and heart issues, so that is why docs will recommend a reduction in meds if they see the TSH drop out of range low. Of course, your doc should be taking your symptoms into account as well.

    We hear mixed reviews from patients who try combination T3/T4 therapy. Some believe it did improve their quality of life, while others found that it brought back their old hypER symptoms.

    Post count: 20


    Thank you for your reply and information. I did meet with a new endo. He laid out all my pass tests and showed me that no test was consistant with another. He has also ordered additional tests due to skin rash, plus antibody and others. All these tests were completed 2 years ago at the Mayo Clinic.

    Just being heard is a validation. He explained that doctors are trained to treat the 90-95% and that my case is clearly the extreme 5%.

    Again, thank you.


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