teacherhelper wrote: Now looking at my lab results, I’m trying to figure them out. My T3 has gone from 3.3 in Oct 09 to 9.8 now. My TSH was 0.005 in Oct and 0.006 now. The T4 was 2.05 in Oct and is 2.67 now. Would it be better to have copies of my lab work before seeing the doctor so he maybe can explain things to me.
Hello – We can’t interpret labs on this board, as that needs to be done by a qualified medical professional. However, in general, if someone was off meds for several weeks — and not in remission — I would expect their thyroid hormone levels to increase.
Some doctors and labs are funny about giving patients their lab results ahead of time. However, it is certainly reasonable to ask to have your labs done in advance of your visit, so that you can spend your appointment reviewing the numbers with your doc and asking any questions. Plus, I always ask for a hard copy of my labs at the time I see my doctor, so I can note any trends over time. In addition to keeping tabs on where your levels are at different points in time, it is helpful to know what reference range your lab considers to be "normal" for each of the tests. This can vary from lab to lab.
Hope this helps!
I had blood work done last week. My doctor’s office called me on Monday. I went to see him that afternoon. I didn’t see my lab report until after the visit. I can’t take Tapizole or Methimazole because I’m allergic to them. I was off any medication since Jan 22. Monday he started me on 50mg of PTU 3 times a day. My levels are rather high and my thyroid is enlarged. Now looking at my lab results, I’m trying to figure them out. My T3 has gone from 3.3 in Oct 09 to 9.8 now. My TSH was 0.005 in Oct and 0.006 now. The T4 was 2.05 in Oct and is 2.67 now. Would it be better to have copies of my lab work before seeing the doctor so he maybe can explain things to me. We’re trying to get the levels down to an acceptible level so I can do RAI. I’m so looking forward to feeling somewhat "normal" again so I can do a few things. Walking is a struggle, my feet hurt, and I just feel LOUSY! I don’t know if this makes sense…it’s how my mind is working lately!
Reading the posts on here has helped in trying to figure things out but I’m still very confused.
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I think you answered your own question: it WILL be helpful to have your results BEFORE you see the doctor. That was, things can be explained to you. Good luck!
Take care,
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