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  • npatterson
    Post count: 398

    People usually ask things like: What to wear, what to bring, what will the weather be like?

    The conference is casual and comfortable. To me that means slacks and loose shirt–it might even mean sweatshirts. COMFORTABLE SHOES. There is one "big" event Saturday night, and you might want to bring something a little bit dressy. I will still be in slacks and a dressier shirt.

    Bring a sweater or light jacket for the classrooms. Conferences of all types are notorious for having uneven room temperatures. It depends on the size of the room, and the number of people. Be sure to bring your glasses, and eye drops. The same factors that make the termperature uneven will make your eyes a little dry. Bring a good pen and a notebook. Bring lots of address stickers to trade with others. Bring your questions…preferably written out.

    The weather SHOULD be cool and crisp, but not yet cold. I think there are a number of places to walk outside, on the grounds of the hotel.

    Others may add to this list, ’cause I am sure I didn’t think of everything.

    Looking forward to seeing and meeting all of you.

    Take care,

    Post count: 36

    I would add these things to your list Nancy:

    A camera and plenty of film. You may not be able to find the film you need. If you use a digital bring an extra memory card.

    A tote bag to put in all that extra information you will get. Easier then a brief case you have to keep opening and that may not have a shoulder strap.

    A new address book for the address labels or for new friends to write in.

    A pair of gloves. I was soooo glad I took mine to NC in February

    An umbrella. I wish I had one the last time I was there.

    Slippers or crocs . To use when you have to run down the hall for a minute.

    Medication. You would be surprised how many people forget this.

    A map of Charlotte and the area will also be helpful if you plan to do some sightseeing.

    Be sure to leave the phone number and name of where you are staying with someone at home. Also your flights or route you are taking. I also leave information with my daughter where important papers are and my doctors number. Also special instructions. You never know what can happen on a trip. Better to be safe then sorry.

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