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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Good morning Warriors,

    38 Days to our conference. I put together a list of speakers for you. I will put on the conference page later. The speakers are:

    Dr. Greg Brent
    Dr. Orlo Clark, Author, “Thyroid Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment”, “Endocrine Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroids”
    Dr. David Cooper, Author, “Medical Management of Thyroid Disease”, Your Thyroid a Home Reference”
    Juda Devorak, AANP MSN
    Kate Flax, Support Group Leader, Author, “Healing Options, A Report on Graves’ Disease Treatments”
    Jake George, Facilitator, Support Group Leader, Co-Author Graves’ Disease In Our Own Words
    Dr. Sangeeta Loganis
    Dr. Brian Melver
    Nancy Patterson, PhD, Executive Director NGDF, Co-Author “Graves’ Disease In Our Own Words”
    Dr.Cy Warby
    Marsha Warby, PhD
    Dr. Larry Wood, Author “Your Thyroid a Home Reference”

    As you can see we have top-notch speakers. I hope to see you all there next month. Click on our home page link (little green thyroid) at the top of the page or go to and click on our conference link. You can print our your registration form, and pay for your registration right on line. We also have the hotel reservations number. Reduced price rooms are available for the next ten days. After that the room rates go up considerably.

    So register already. We will see you there.

    On-line Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    One of our many excellent conference speakers will be Sara Rosenthal, who has written books that are on NGDF’s recommended reading list.

    A portion of her bio: Dr. M. Sara Rosenthal is a pioneer in consumer health writing. She began her career as a journalist, whose interest in health issues arose from her experience with thyroid cancer in 1983. She has written over 30 books including The Thyroid Sourcebook (5th Edition now in press), The Thyroid Sourcebook for Women (2nd edition), and The Complete Thyroid Book (2005), co-authored with Dr. Kenneth Ain. She is the publisher of many more books through her own consumer health publishing company, Your Health Press, which publishes Thyroid Eye Disease: Understanding Graves’ Opthalmopathy; The Thyroid Cancer Book; and the Low Iodine Diet Cookbook. Her books are translated into several languages including Arabic, Chinese, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Taiwanese.

    In 1996, Dr. Rosenthal became interested in bioethics as a result of her patient advocacy work, and pursued an academic career in bioethics. She completed her Masters and Ph.D. in bioethics and medical sociology at the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics. She is currently Director, University of Kentucky Program for Bioethics and Patients’ Rights and has published several scholarly articles and abstracts in the area of endocrine ethics.

    Dr. Rosenthal is a member of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, The American Thyroid Association, and The Endocrine Society. She is also a member of the Ethics Advisory Committee of the Endocrine Society as well as the Patient Education and Advocacy Committee of the American Thyroid Association.

    Dr. Rosenthal has made over 500 media appearances and lectures widely across North America.

    See you in Cincinnati!


    Post count: 93172

    The following are some of the speakers and topics that will be presented at the conference:

    Patient support groups will be led by Cy and Marsha Worby.

    Family support groups will be led by Judy Dvorak and Donna Starkweather.

    Donna will also start the conference with a session titled “Full Catastrophe Living – Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress”. I so need this one. I can’t wait.

    Cy Worby will present a session on Coping with Common Family Issues with Graves’ Disease.

    Marsha Worby will present a session on Becoming, Being & Staying a Couple: The Challenge of Graves’.

    Dr. Phillpe Backeljauw will discuss Therapy for Graves’ Disease in Childhood and Adolescence: An Update. Do you have a child with Graves’ disease? This will be a great session.

    Dr. Karl Golnik will discuss Graves’ Disease and the Eye.

    Nancy Bloemer will discuss Practical Self Care. I know that I don’t take care of myself. I need this one, too.

    Dr. Kenneth Ain will discuss How Did I Get Here? and Where Do I Go From Here?

    Sara Rosenthal will present a session on Making Informed Decisions and Sorting Through Misinformation.

    Dr. Terry Smith will let us know what’s new in Graves’ research. This session will be a video since Terry won’t be able to join us in person this year.

    Nancy Patterson will discuss the Emotional, Intellectual and Mental Aspects of Graves’ Disease.

    The luncheon speaker is George Hood who is the Guinness World Record Holder for spinning. How many of you had a hard time getting your head off the pillow this morning? It took 4 snooze alarms for me to get up. I want to know how George does it. He has Graves’ disease and broke a world record.

    We are still awaiting details about one more speaker and her topic.

    The group rate at the hotel expires today. If you decide that you want to attend, please make your hotel plans today. You can either complete your conference registration online or register onsite.

    See you at the conference!


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