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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    Hello everyone!

    This info was kind of buried in another post, so here’s a post ALL its own. <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    The trip from the airport to the conference hotel is a bit of a distance ~ cab rides will be expensive, and rental cars rather unnecessary (we’re in the hotel almost 100% of the time), so I’m trying to help by coordinating similar arrival times and putting together groups of people who can share a ride with the hotel’s suggested car service. If the car carries 3 people, each will pay $22, including tip. If there are fewer, obviously it will cost more. I’m not sure of the capacity of the cars, but I’ll find out if we have lots of people arriving at the same time.

    I have only received information from a couple of people so far. If you are interested in sharing a ride, please send me a private message with all of this info and I’ll put groups together as I can:

    * Your name (REAL name) <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />
    * Date/time of arrival
    * Airline and flight number
    * E-mail address and cell phone number

    I’ll follow up with people in the specific groups so we can get the reservations under the right names.

    It’s coming up quickly! Looking forward to seeing everyone, meeting everyone, and learning more about this adventure we call Graves’! <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

    Post count: 1569

    Just a nooge ~ I haven’t heard from very many people, so I want to make sure you’ve all had the opportunity to "pair up" before you’re forced to spend the fare all by yourself! Send me a private message with the info above if you’d like to see about matching up your schedule with someone else’s and sharing the cost.

    See y’all soon! <img decoding=” title=”Cool” />

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