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  • butterfly007
    Post count: 18

    Hi there, for the last couple of months my fingertips and fingers have been red and really wrinkly, like I just had a bath but they are like that all the time. I also get tiny white blisters that peel, go away and then new ones pop up. Prior to that for several months, my fingers tingled but that has stopped now.
    I have noticed my ring is now very loose on my finger, my hands are cold and apart from the redness on the top half half of every finger, the skin goes white at the slightest movement or touch.
    I showed my doc when it first happened and he just shrugged and said it might be an allergy…to what? I dont use lotions/creams and nothing is different.It’s steadily getting worse.
    Has anyone had this happen or have any ideas?

    PS…I am currently on methimazole/carbimazole and propranalol, labs are currently hypo, was diagnosed 9 months ago. I tried to research the red wrinkly finger thing and found a few comments saying it could be thyroid/graves related, but nothing actually helpful or any explanations.

    Post count: 62

    have you looked into Raynauds Syndrome? are you sensitive to cold?

    I haven’t heard that as a sx to Graves tx – look up Raynauds – sounds like it…

    Post count: 18

    Ok, I just looked at Raynauds – thanks Talley!
    This is what I found on causes of raynauds in the mayo site…

    ‘Certain medications. Some drugs — including beta blockers, which are used to treat high blood pressure; migraine medications that contain ergotamine; medications containing estrogen; certain chemotherapy agents; and drugs that cause blood vessels to narrow, such as some over-the-counter (OTC) cold medications — have been linked to Raynaud’s.

    ‘Other causes. Raynaud’s has also been linked to thyroid gland disorders.’

    Interesting! Yes it does sound like what I have, will make this ‘suggestion’ to my doc…once I know what it is, I can stop worrying about it and chalk it up to another ‘thyroid’ thingy! lol

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