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  • ely2009
    Post count: 199

    I also have some tightness in my chest. I do think that mine is muscle pain because I have a similar feeling in my back at times and in my groin area. I think it’s much more obviuos (for good reason) when I feel it in my chest, but then when I pay attention to other parts of my body, I feel similar things there as well. I’ve never had heart problems,and my blood pressure and heart rate is low, so I’ve tried not to worry too much about it. I’m going to ask the doctor when I go this week, however, just to be sure.

    It’s really a frustrating part of GD to have to figure out what’s a real problem and what’s not.


    Post count: 88

    Okay so about a week ago I was hospitalized for chest pains. They kept me from Thursday to Saturday. I was released with no answers except it wasn’t my heart. Great news on one hand…baffling on the other.
    I have continued to have the same they are completely across my chest and I feel as though someone has one big hand squeezing my chest..I don’ t know if they are coincidence or what, but I have also noticed more cramps and spasms in the muscles of my legs.

    Could my pains actually be just muscle spasms? Or is this something else? Does anyone else have pains or tightness in their :oops: chest with or without the spasms elsewhere on the rest of their body?

    Post count: 435


    Is there a specific place on your legs where they are sore? Itchy? Red? swollen? When you have pains in your chest do they come suddenly or is it after moving around?

    I have had chest pain for a while now but they say its because of my heart rate etc but they are subsiding now!

    Ok – my advice would be to get it checked again and mention the calf pain. Don’t want to panic you but deep vain thrombosis DVT (after lots of experience of working on medical wards with patients with this condition) is coming to mind and it needs to be checked. It could also be gastric and there is no correlation with the chest pain and leg pain – but better safe than sorry.

    You are having such a horrible time of it!

    M c

    Post count: 1569

    Jake has experienced a condition called costochondritis that causes pain similar to what you’re describing. It has to do with inflammation of the cartilage that connects the breastbone to the sternum, and is deemed harmless with no cause that’s understood. Still, every instance of chest pain is something to check, so it’s wise to talk with the doctors even though you’ve been fully examined in the past. Try to find out whether there is some element missing in your symptoms that, if added, WOULD cause them to have further concern. Then you can look for that specific additional symptom, and only call when/if it is present.

    Post count: 35

    I too had chest pains like nothing I ever experienced before. It was about 6 months before the more obvious hyper symptoms manifested themselves and 10 months before I was diagnosed. I tried to ignore them most of the day they were ocurring. I was walking thru a store and kept grabbing my chest though, they were that bad. Late that afternoon I tried to lay down and I could not lay on either side without them increasing and intolerable pain. I called my doctor oncall and my health coach, both said to go to ER. I did and they kept me overnight but said it is not my heart therefore it must be muscle skeletal, I had not done anything to pull a muscle in my chest. So I was left puzzled. I followed up with my first stress test and labs. My TSH was not out of range at that point at least on the day of the lab work a few weeks later. I often wandered if these initial chest pains had anything to do with the craziness of the onset of GD and if by the time they ran the labs I was in one of the swings between hyper to hypo or vice versa. Ski mentions costoconditis — is it related to GD? Since being diagnosed and regulated on replacement, with a normal range of TSH, there have been momenary minor chest pain twinges but nothing like the original and nothing like the palpatations of hyperness. After getting regulated I even had a ECHO done to make sure there was no heart muscle damage during the hyper phase and I have passed all of the cardio checks. I am reaching my retirement years and have a strong family history of cardiac problems so I am trying to be very careful.

    Post count: 1569

    I don’t know whether costochondritis is related to GD ~ I don’t think it is. Jake referred to it as having an autoimmune component, so that may be the connection (the fact that people with one autoimmune disease are slightly more likely to end up with a second), but I don’t believe it has anything to do with the specific antibodies related to Graves’ or to the damage caused by hyperthyroidism.

    Post count: 484

    Ski, I would like to comment on what you said about what jake had. I’m 35 and have had crippling pain like a heart attack feeling on either side since I was a teenager. I was never kicked there or anything like that(I read that that could be a related reason but just read it today since I only heard of it today).

    I had one dr. tell me that it was a rib or something pressing against my heart and causing the pain, I was just about 19 when I was told that and given some muscle relaxers that I never used. It doesn’t happen as often as it use to but just recently it did. I had about 4 hangers with clothes in my hand and raised my arm up to put them away. It was like slow motion, the hangers fell from my hand, my hand came down and I grabbed my chest all the while dh was sitting 3 ft in front of me and I couldn’t speak. Naturally I knew the feeling but it lasted longer than usual. DH saw me and asked what was wrong and if I was ok, i didn’t want to move but I couldn’t breathe deep enough to get in enough oxygen. He put me on the bed and I just held my chest all the while trying to hard to breathe really slowly because I couldn’t get it in deeply. Finally after about a very very very long 4 minutes I was absolutely fine, a bit soar but fine. It has always been that way and I think I might have just found the reason in what you said Jake has. I am going to take this information to my general dr. whom I have never told I have these problems and I dont get them often enough to even mention them to her, and see what she says.

    I am in shock and speechless which is saying a lot since I don’t shut up for nothing!! LOL I am in awe that this might be what I have been looking for for close to 21 years (since about age 14)…wow just wow.

    Buttamama, talk to your dr. about this and keep asking till you get the answers you need. I am sorry it took me this long to finally say I need to tell my general dr. about this and have it in my records.
    Thank you SKI.

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