I didn’t have a name for what I felt. I did think that I had heart issues before I had a diagnosis of graves. I ended up in the er one weekend thinking I was having a heart attack. The pain was great and the cardiologist I eventually went to see to make sure was the one who asked me if I had had my thyroid checked. I guess he had seen this before. After my levels went more to normal on ATDs I didn’t have the pain anymore.
anyone else out there that has dealt with "cosotchondritis" or Tietze Syndrome after being diagnosed with GD? During the same time I was diagnosed with GD and going through the testing I had a complaint for my primary that my sternum was "VERY" tender and I could hardly stand any direct presuure. She explained to me that it was probable costochondritis or Tietze Syndrome and that I should take NSAID’s to help with the inflammatory. Well, It’s been since Feb that I have been dealing with the discomfort and some days I can go without really being too uncomfortable, but lately it has been pretty discomforting . When I take my bra off at the end of the day. it’s almost like I am pulling a knife out of my chest. I am already dealing with HR issues and palpatations and am a little frustrated to be enduring this additional chest discomfort.
Anyone else out there notice having joint issues in their chest?Greatly appreciated!
Ok I think this may be 2 seperate issues here either biomechanical or cardio. With GD yes I have had chest pain / angina type pains and also those little sharp pains you get at your chest while aneamia is a problem. After the TS I had terrible chest pain, shoulder tip pain (which I knew was an indication of possible heart attack), jaw pain (same as before) and tightening and tingling of my left arm. I had several ECG’s in the hospital that showed a definite tachycardia but my rhythm was normal. When I had to go to see my GP a few afterward I mentioned the chest pain and she said it was symptomatic of tachycardia which has been running for a long time. Now she did advise me if it started to worsen etc… just go straight to A&E or call 999. They weren’ t overly concerned because the rhythm was ok.
It does sound as though yours is muscular/connective joint pain just by the fact that you are sore when you take your bra off. As I am sure you are aware the sternum is a difficult bone to treat – like the the clavicle joint and pelvis – but boy can it be very painful ” title=”Sad” /> I haven’t had joint problems in my chest with GD but I do know as a chronic asthmatic and as a young child with recurrent chest infections I would be in agony around my sternum because of all the coughing etc…
I think with any form of chest pain it is always best to be safe that sorry as you never know if its referred pain. A simple ECG which only take a few seconds can rule out anything less worrying.
http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/fac … dritis.htm I looked up this link for you to have a wee read and see what you think should be your next course of plan. If it was me I would get an ECG. In the meantime it would probably be best to wear a sports bra to bed to give your sternum some extra support and try and hold the area if you cough or sneeze.
I hope you get it sorted soon and get some pain relief in the meantime.
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