I was diagnosed with Graves in June 2010. I had been feeling "off" for some time, and I finally went for a check up when my arms and legs wouldn’t stop aching,stairs were difficult, I was short of breath , and I couldn’t concentrate or remember. I felt like I was on a treadmill and couldn’t get off.
I am menopausal so the hot flashes, insomnia I thought were normal for my age(55). I bragged about how much food I consumed without gaining weight, in fact losing in spite of kicking the cigarette habit months previous. Luckily my GP noticed my goiter, and my heart rate was 125, blood pressure high and he ordered thyroid blood tests which came back with t4 "somewhere out in the stratisphere", very low cholesterol, slightly elevated liver test, very low TSH. He made a call out for an Endo, put me on propanalol and the next day I got a call to go to Vancouver as soon as I could get there.I have no complaints about my level of care- in fact it scared me that they took me so quickly.
A few ups and downs over the next few months as the Tapazole dose was adjusted. I went Hypo quickly, had alot of chest pain for awhile. By October I seemed stable. I have a bit of eye trouble. My next appt with the Endo is in April.
My muscles feel almost normal and I am exercising alot and enjoying it. However I have discomfort in the left side of my chest a lot and my heart beat seems too quick, and strong especially early morning. It is bothering my sleep.The weird thing is that the discomfort seems to ease during strenuous exercise like spinning. Also about 30-60 minutes after I eat I feel fatigued and weak. It passes eventually.
Does anyone else report the same thing?Hello – I would mention this to your doctor, just to be on the safe side. They might want to do a stress test or have you wear a heart monitor for a short period of time to see if they can spot any particular issues. I would also ask your doc if he/she has any concerns about your exercise routine until you can get the situation checked out. Best to err on the side of caution!
Well I saw my Endo last Friday, and he says that I am fine-that my free t4 at 17.9 pmo/L is within normal range. Pulse and blood pressure are fine. He said that my chest discomfort and racing heart ,at night and after I eat ,have no relationship with my thyroid and there must be something else bothering me.
I felt pretty good at the 14-15 pmo level and people around me have said they have noticed my going hyper again. The Endo suggested that this is part of my menopausal state (I am 55 he noted) and that if I were hyper I wouldn’t be able to do the spin classes as I do now. I am on 5 mg methimazole daily since October and my free t4 levels have been rising slowly since then. My next appointment with him is October 2011. and no blood tests ordered until then. I told him that I am noticing some muscle fatigue on my walks, and am a bit short of breath again. I feel like I am regressing.
I am not comfortable with this. I know that there is a change to the hyper side. Any suggestions?Hello – I don’t have any specific suggestions other than to say that *you* know what is normal for your body…and if you feel that something is off, it’s worth consulting with your general practitioner to rule out any other possible issues.
Also, if you feel the hyper symptoms continue, I would not hesitate to call the endo’s office and ask for a new set of labs, rather than waiting six months for your regularly scheduled appointment.
Best of luck!
Thank you, Kimberly.
I will talk to my GP about labs every 2 months.
I think that I need to learn patience and know that whatever is happening this week is probably going to be different again next week. When I speak with my husband I often say that I am "morphing again".
From reading the posts, I am understanding more that it takes time to reach that "sweet spot" and also that my Endo is wise in telling me that I am in good shape. He has always given positive re-inforcement.
I still think that I am going insane, but now I am more confident that some time in the future I will regain my equilibrium.
Thank you to all who post.Hi again. Was feeling like I was sliding backwards for a few months even though the Endo said I was within an acceptable range in my T4 level in April. He said that there must be something else bothering me.I was feeling discouraged. Went for a physical and am feeling better after my GP increased my Tapazole dose-better energy, longer sleep. My GP took new labs on June 3rd and my T4 was at the extreme upper end of the scale. I guess the specialist is not always right.
I am curious though why Graves causes chest pain & palpitations for so many of us. Both my Endo and GP say my heart sounds normal. Are the heart muscle and diaphram affected the same way as leg and arm muscles? I lost so much muscle before being diagnosed last year and had trouble breathing.Muscles are almost back to normal now but still feel an irritation around my heart area. Does this ever go away?
Also since my Tapazole dose needed to be increased does this mean that I will not likely be one of the lucky ones to go into remission with ATD use?. It has been a year now.
Thanks to anyone for some feedback.Hello – I’ve never seen a detailed explanation of why chest pains tend to occur…other than the fact that our hearts end up getting overworked while we are hypER. Of course, there can be lots of other causes for chest pains as well, so this is definitely something to continue discussing with your doctor if it persists.
As for the ATDs, I haven’t heard anything to the effect that needing one dosage increase impacts our chances for remission. In general, women, those with mild disease, fairly low antibodies to start with, and small goiters have the best chances of remission.
It has been awhile, but I thought I would share what might help some of you. I last posted in July/11 because I was feeling very discouraged with remaining symptoms-anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, fatigue after eating, pain in my heart region. My family doctor upped my Tapazole dose and I felt much better within 10 days, but not great yet. I had another adjustment to 1 and a half 5 mg Tapazole a day and that is working out well.
He suggested that I might benefit from see another MD with special interest in Bio-identical hormones. I have been shying away from hormones because of the bad press, but was feeling desperate.I did the blood tests, had a consult, and he thought that with bi-est, progesterone, magnesium,vitamin D, omega 3 supplements I would likely feel relief. I am now 3 months into it and it is like night and day. I feel great. I started to feel better about 2 weeks into it. He also thought that with time my thyroid would settle down, so urged me not to do anything permanent to destroy my thyroid. I am so pleased with these results. We are also now trying 100 mc selenium to see if it will help my eyes.
I am seeing the endo in 2 weeks(it is a 5 hour drive each way) and I am hoping that he also will be pleased
Anyway, for male or female, it may be wise to check out the other hormones, as if we are out of balance, it can affect us in a bad way.
I sleep way better, my chest feels good, anxiety minimal, fatigue after eating gone, energy is very good.” title=”Very Happy” />
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