For the very first time in almost a year I washed my hair and NOTHING came out. I thought I was dreaming. I checked the drains, the sink, the combs, etc. Usually when I wash, I felt like I was going through chemo treatments, hair was everywhere and my hair became extremely thin and fragile. I took to just pinning it up. Now it is actually geting thick again and I haven’t lost any. I hope this continues. Just spreading some goodnews because it has been so bleak these past months.
I am still amazed. And I have to admit that losing the hair was extremely traumatic.
I am just trying to stay positive before my next lab results….this had definitely taught me to be patient.
Did anyone else suffer from extreme hair loss?
YAY! I lost a lot when I was on methimazole. I’m hoping, if the Synthroid does its thing post surgery, I won’t lose too much hair.
That’s great & congratulations- we take the small victories when we can get them!!!
That is great news! I am really struggling with that right now myself and so hoping it stabilizes soon. So happy to know that there is hope around the corner! Thanks for sharing!
That’s fantastic Darcy! Soon you’ll have glorious glamorous hair. I honestly cannot remember the last time I didn’t have lots of hairs in the drain every time. I clog up the bath drain regularly and frequently use Draino on it. About five years ago I first noticed a slightly thin spot, not quite bald, but thin enough to see at the back crown of my head. The texture and color on some of the hairs changed also.
Yep, me! I swear, if it gets any worse, I’l have it all cut off and buy a wig! My hair is waist length and it is so thin now, you can see the scalp on top:( It breaks my heart. Congrats to you! Hopefully mine will get back to normal one day or it will all be gone!
thanks for sharing. I didn’t know if I was the only one and I wasnt’ trying to be vain but if losing hair for a man is traumatic can you imagine what it does to us ladies, especially when we are use to having hair? I too use to have reallly long waist length hair and it was really thick and black. The texture and grade has definitely changed and it is barely shoulder length. When it first started falling out I had a lot cut off so it can still look thick. Then it just kept shedding and shedding and now it is thin and nothing like before BUT as I said I was amazed that for the first time I did not have hair all over the place, etc. I know it has been because I don’t have to take as much Methi as I used to, along with the beta blocker. Not everyone has this side affect and some in HyPER start to lose hair before meds, but it does happen and for those of us who are experiencing it, IT SUCKS BADLY!!! When I would hug folks, strands of my hair would be on their clothes…truly embarassing. With all the stress and emotional crap we have, to have the hair issue was crippling. I am still being extremely gentle when combing and washing and I am doing my best to stay as stressfree as possible, but yes ladies, just like folks with cancer and they lose their hair, it does grow back, slowly, but surely, but it does grow back. One day at a time. Blessings to you all. We are going to prevail this horrible disease. Try to stay supportive and positive of each other. This board is amazing!
Great news! My endo told me that after my surgery I would know if my hair loss was due to methimazole or age. Mine has been coming back over the last year. I’m not back to where I was before the med, but it is much improved. So, I am happy for you. You’re not alone. Even my scalp ached.
Hair loss is so depressing! The good news is that if it’s due to Graves’, or imbalanced thyroid hormone levels, it’ll stop once your levels are normal AND stable. It’s not really a side effect of the meds, it’s our body “protecting” us by removing resources from “non-essential” functions (like growing hair — wish it’d ask ME before deciding what’s non-essential!) while thyroid hormone levels are either outside the normal range OR changing rapidly (even if it’s in the right direction), because both are abnormal conditions. Once thyroid hormone levels normalize, and stabilize, the body allows resources to be provided for proper hair growth. Phew!
Yes I am glad it is finally getting better. I am also doing my very best not to make it worse. I wish you all success if stopping this madness with the hair loss, which for me is the most traumatic. All the other symptoms, no one can really see but when you are balding it is like Darn it, I’m really sick to the world and I cannot stand it. Folks look at you like oh wow and I do not like pity at all. It is a battle and because they do mention the side affects of Methimazole as hair loss I know it is the reason why my hair was falling out, especially because I never ever experienced hair loss ever, not even when situations were extreme. But I do agree that the body pulls from other sources to balance and help heal and hair is affected. Either way I am glad that it stopped for now and I pray and hope it doesn’t start up again or I will be sporting the “be all you can be” buzz cut and rocking huge earrings…
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