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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Caren:

    I’ve read that soy is, in some form or other, on the list of foods that can interfere with synthroid absorption, if taken at the wrong time, or in the wrong amounts. As I understand it, this does not mean we have to forever avoid it. Consistency is the important ingredient with the synthroid. So, if you add soy to your diet, it would make sense to have your blood levels/TSH checked after six weeks or so to make sure that your new regime hasn’t interfered with the synthroid. If it has, then the docs can adjust the synthroid accordingly.

    Post count: 93172

    I know that someone with thyroid disease has to be careful of taking,
    Iodione, Kelp, St. John’s Wart, but are there any problems with
    taking soy products. Soy is used to help with menopausal symptoms and was wondering if there is a caution with taking Soy when you are taking Synthroid. Thanks anyone for answering.


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