It really depends on what phase of treatment you’re in. If your thyroid is gone (through either RAI or surgery), then seafood shouldn’t affect you at all. Having said that, I still get the shakes if I eat too much shrimp, and my thyroid’s been gone forever and ever. Go figure.
If you have just had RAI and the doctor is trying to make sure that OTHER iodine doesn’t get into your bloodstream for a few days to maximize the RAI’s effect, you may want to avoid any sources of iodine for a short period of time, but you should be able to resume eating food with iodine after the first 3 days. (By the way, lots of other foods have trace amounts of iodine for various reasons, so it wouldn’t be only seafood you’d want to limit, in this circumstance.)
If you are on ATDs and trying to limit your iodine intake in general, the only food that is extremely high in iodine is kelp. Other seafood may have a little bit of iodine, but not enough to cause trouble. When you still have your thyroid, you definitely need SOME iodine, but not too much. Iodine is what the body uses to make thyroid hormone, and you definitely want to have enough to function. You may want to handle that kind of like a person trying to identify allergies ~ introduce one type of seafood, wait and see what your reaction is, and adjust your intake accordingly.
Sea salt has NO iodine in it, by the way, or you can just buy "non-iodized" salt, if you’re trying to limit iodine intake.
I hope that helps!
Thanks, SKI! That’s a lot of help! My primary doctor and endo at different occasions handed me an info and said I can eat seafood but not the KELP as you have mentioned here
” title=”Cool” /> . But they didn’t elaborate more. So, I was hesitant to eat any seafood at al
l. I currently take 2 1/2 mg a day of methimazole. It used to be 5 mg. a day My thyroid hormone is normal for the past 2months. So, this is good. I also have the TED. My eyes are presently very itchy. I notice this when it gets windy, they dry out. Or at times, they just feel dry at night and at dawn. My eyes are puffy because of this and my eyelids are kinda swollen- mildly.I notice that my eyes look worse when I wake up in the morning. I try to elevate my pillows but it is not comfortable for me to sleep on it. I have pain on my neck the next day so I stopped doing this. I have taken 50,000 i.u. of Vit. D because I am deficient with this and 1500 mg of calcium. I stopped the Vit. D for a month now and just continue with the calcium. I have osteopenia. Anyhow, thanks a million!
” title=”Very Happy” /> I always feel better after reading and sharing my thoughts in here. Cheers!
” title=”Wink” />
I’m glad that helped! Just a couple of things ~ raise the head of your bed by putting something under the frame, rather than piling up pillows (as you’ve found, pillow-piles make for sore backs and necks), and that will probably help the eyelid swelling in the morning and also your comfort level. If your eyes are sore when you first wake up, you should check to make sure your eyes are closing all the way during the night ~ they should feel the BEST in the morning, because nighttime is when they can absorb a lot of moisture and heal from the events of the day. If they’re not closing all the way at night, talk with your ophthalmologist for hints on how to alleviate the dryness and keep them closed. And one more thing ~ take Vitamin D along with your calcium to help your body absorb the calcium. That’s important.
My primary doctor handed me the post patient visit report and in there it was indicated that I can eat seafood. I also asked my endo and he said I can but on a minimal amount. However, all information on books that I have read have indicated that I shouldn’t do so. Can you enlighten me please? Thank you.
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