Just an update and needing to vent tonight. So the chemosis is still going on, maybe slightly worse than back in January. The only specialist I have access to who knows anything about TED decided to take himself a big long vacation so I still can’t see him for weeks. Everybody else sees it and just says “dry eye”…I know it’s not dry eye. I’m just so damn depressed about Graves. It’s been two years since diagnosis and I thought I’d be in remission by now or at the very least would not still be having the eye symptoms and dancing around with the methimazole dosing. I wonder if I should have taken the original suggestion of my endo to have surgery in the beginning, would I be happy and moved past this now? I know that it’s possible for it to be way worse than it is, but I also know plenty of people take one of the options and move on with life. Why can’t I? I actually think my endo is doing a good job and you guys know I’m a tough critic of the docs – I really don’t think I’d improve my situation by switching. My eyes are just burning hot – I’m so sick of this. Sorry for the whining, I’ll be ready to man up again tomorrow.