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  • Author
  • Peter
    Post count: 31

    Dear Friends,

    The Graves’ Disease Foundation BB has been upgraded to keep unwanted posts and spam off the Board.

    GDF Facilitators will continue to remove posts that would offend
    our regular members or offer links to undesirable sites.

    They have the ability to edit posts for derogatory comments or
    unsound advice, plus ban a poster by their username and email address of
    these individuals.

    Also, a "new" user’s first post will be reviewed before being shown on the board. Once it is determined that the new user
    is legitimate, they are free to add other posts or comment as they desire.

    Our goal is to help patients, family members, and friends regarding Graves’ disease and other thyroid-related illnesses.

    Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated. Send an email to the National Office:



    Post count: 4294

    Thanks, Peter. This is great news!

    There is one thing that members should be on the lookout for. I noticed some spammers on the board a while back who would create their first post by copying other people’s posts. For example, their first post would say, "I agree that…" and then copy another post word for word. Then once they got "in", they would start to Spam.

    If you see one of your posts being used in this manner, definitely report this.

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