Hello – I’ve experienced shortness of breath while hypER, but not to the extent that you are describing. That has to be really scary! Is there any chance you have another issue (such as asthma) going on? If you can’t get some relief ASAP, it might make sense to get in to see a pulmonary specialist.
Hi I mentioned some trouble breathing in a previous post but it was just an all around chaos post
This post is just to look for some ideas on what I can do to make it though this. My TSH was .18 but everything else was in range last week when I saw my endo. I’ve always been "sensitive" to being slightly hyper. For some reason it just effects me sooner.
Either way. I have NEVER had breathing problems like I am now. I noticed if I lay down and never do anything it helps but I have a 1 year old and a job so that’s out the window. My heart rate has been raising but never over 100 and luckily since my dose was lowered to 50 mg of Levothyroxine last week it’s not raising as often. I have an appt with a cardiologist to be on the safe side next week though because before RAI my HR was off the charts fast (never had breathing problems then though). Yesterday GP put me on antianxiety to help with well…. the anxiety of my breathing problems Lol! It’s calmed me but not taken the problem away.
Any ideas on what I can do to feel better? I’ve been struggling to get a sufficient breath for 2 weeks now. I’m just not getting what I need. Only sometimes when I yawn does it get me there but it never goes away.
Hey Krissann,
I have been having the same problems. I’m not hyperventilating or breathing rapidly at all, and I can even take a deep breath but I just feel it’s not deep enough or "satisfactory". It has gone away, but it has gone away before and come back.
Are you hyperthyroid and on beta-blockers? Ask your doctor about switching to a a different beta-blocker if you have a history of asthma. I am hyper and currently taking 40 mg of propranolol, which is a non-selective beta-blocker and was thinking about switching back to atenolol which is a selective beta blocker and doesn’t affect your respiratory system, but the symptoms have subsided for now.I’ve had that problem too with not being able to have a full, deep, satisfying breath sometimes. Just recently I had it happened to me along with indigestion so I took a Tums and both the breathing prob and the indigestion went away. I’m not saying that the Tums cured the deep breath prob but it worked and when i have the deep breath problem, i use Tums. Sometimes it works, sometimes not!
I used to be on meteprolol for my blood pressure but since i’ve been on synthroid for my thyriod they changed my blood pressure meds to Verapamil and I LOVE it and works better with my body now.
Good luck!
~Stacy -
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