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  • adenure
    Post count: 491


    Shirley, do you remember if you had to change your Synthroid dose after you stopped nursing? I don’t plan on weaning anytime soon, but I read somewhere that the dose might change when a mom stops nursing. One lady, on another page, wrote that she was doing great on Synthroid while nursing, but once she stopped she gained a lot of weight and everything went haywire. Just curious.


    Post count: 1909

    Hi Alexis, nice to hear from you!

    I remember clearly! No change in Synthroid, and no weight gain. Quite the opposite for me with weight. When I (reluctantly, sadly…!) stopped nursing, I lost a few pounds. Stopping nursing is a bit hard to define, for it was a gradual thing, moving toward a nip some mornings, most nights, and when someone fell off their tricycle, out of a swing, or felt like a sibling was torturing them! I am going to the Midwest next week, and get to see a newborn. So excited!


    Post count: 491

    Thank you!

    I appreciate your response. :) That’s good to hear. I nursed my last baby for 3 years, so I’m planning on nursing for awhile. Plus, I don’t have a cycle when I’m breastfeeding, and since the last child birth was most likely the trigger for Graves, I’m not planning on having anymore babies. So, this guy’s going to be a momma’s boy for awhile- hee hee!

    That’s awesome that you get to see a little pumpkin! Newborns are sweet. Grandbaby?

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