Oh, I beg to differ, my friend!
” title=”Cool” /> At least you’re talking to people who understand what you’re going through, and we won’t judge you for what you say and feel. We know how tough this is, truly we do. We’ll prop you up when you’re feeling this way ~ I know it seems like forever until you feel better, but try to remember that even a long period of time now is going to fade away into your past eventually. Think back to your youth ~ something that lasted a year then seemed like it took "forever," yet now, in hindsight, it’s nothing.
My husband broke his knee in THE most horrible way, back in 2003, and I remember him feeling desperately sad, disabled, less than ~ from the very start, I tried to get his mind thinking further in the future. I’d tell him to remember, in a year, this will just be a speed bump in your past. Now we’re more than five years out, and it has become just that. He said it helped to imagine himself into the future, feeling well and looking back. It doesn’t get you out of the circumstance, but it helps to remind you that there IS an end point.
Aim for anything you can find that gives you hope. Your family is better off with you than without you, I guarantee it.
thanks i genuinely don’t know what I would do without you all x
Gosh here I go again!
I have had an awful few days – feeling suicidal, aggitated etc…. Had appointment with GP who was concerned as my bloods are still not looking great for the meds I am on and has taken more to send to my endo before my appointment on the 31st of this month. Have felt palpitations again etc.. and just once again feel at the end of my tether.
My GP was great in saying that this was an extreme case and that the rapid change in my bloods before the thyroid storm was most concerning and also that there hasn’t been a great change since then
” title=”Sad” /> She was very empathetic and agreed that this post partum flare up had caused both her and my endo concern (they have been corresponding seemingly). It helped me at the time to hear someone say that "YES this is all physical and its making you feel like you are going off your head etc…" However, it just comes back to me having to come home and struggle on. I am someone who is used to getting on with things and I am not sure how much longer mentally I can accept that my life is going to be like this for the next few months – it has already been going on 4 months as it is. I feel like such a moan. I just don’t want any part of family life anymore as I feel that if I withdraw then my husband and little boy will lower their expectations of me and be able to get on with life easier without me being unwell in their face everyday.
When I was first diagnosed 4 years ago it wasn’t as bad as this however, my GP said that it wasn’t as out of control and I need to try and remember that rather than thinking that I am doing something wrong. However, I just feel that my mum and hubby are always worried about me and although I try to hide it from my little boy he is very intuitive etc….
I really feel its the end of the line………….Sorry to moan , this probably isn’t the place to keep going on and moaning like this anyway.
I’m telling ya….I can totally relate. I can feel a slight depression coming on, and when that happens generally I head to the doc, cause even before all this mess, I have had bouts of depression on and off. When I feel myself start to slip, into the doc I go, cause I can’t imagine what it would do to my family if I got so bad off as to really do something about getting out of their way.
Just 2 years ago I was post partem as well. I also had post eclampsia, I fell cause I couldn’t feel the bottoms of my feet, baby was almost 3 months early, and then I had a brain bleed and a stroke, and if that wasen’t enough, I was almost 400 miles away from my home. Somehow I didn’t think I could get thru, but I have. And now I have Osteopenia and GD and a nodule on my thyroid.
I can’t imagine the "what if I could have done more" questions that would haunt my husband for the rest of his life. And how could he explain that to my two wonderful little girls…7 and 20 months? Don’t get me wrong, I have my pitty parties, when I can’t take care of my girls and feel totally helpless. I have to remind myself I didn’t ask for any of this, it’s not my fault, and if I can’t do it, cut myself some slack. I’ve had to learn to ask for help, which ain’t easy. I do what I can, when I can, but other then that I can not do. It makes it worse if I do try to do it anyway and that isen’t good for anyone, not me or my husband or my girls.
If you get really desperate, please call someone. I’ll PM you my home number, you can call anytime…as I suffer from insomnia also from the steroids for the headaches I have. Or call in some professionals. There is no shame in asking for help, especially when you are post partem. Hope this helps. Rhonda
Rhonda ,
My goodness have you been through the mill! I am sorry to hear of all your troubles and admire your strength and courage and also honesty!
My health visitor was here today (they come for a certain period after having a baby) she said the last time she came to visit she went straight to my GP (they all work in the same building) as she had HUGE concerns about me both physically and mentally. She noticed a slight improvement as do I physically however the mental and emotional issues are taking time to come around. I think most of it is anxiety, stress and loss of control which in itself is a grievance as you will know especially when you have kids. My MIL called from Japan and she is coming over for 2 weeks to help (bless her). It will give my poor mum a break who is so ill herself but is trying to keep going for me!
Thanks to all of you,
M x
That is awesome that your MIL can come and help. I’m glad the people around you are pulling together to help you. Maybe you could ask the person that comes…here we call it a public health nurse…to check on moms and babies afterwards…maybe ask if there is a program in place…a church or something…that can also help like once a week with housework…so that MIL and hubby and MUM don’t get so worn out also. Every little bit helps. Hang in there..and your all in my prayers. Rhonda
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