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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Lisa and others….

    Funny you should ask about blood donation. The local blood bank called last night and I asked that very question…am I
    eligible to donate. I’ve had Graves for six years…was radiated right
    away and have been on replacement thyroid since. The woman asked the
    doctor and he said “ long as you had stable levels for a year.”
    She also looked it up in their manual and it agreed with his assessment.

    So…roll up your sleeves gang…..

    By the way…I have been a lucky one and so far have had few bad symptoms…
    nothing I can’t cope with. Hair thinned for awhile…and weight gain…
    a bummer for sure, but, oh well….

    good luck to you all…your stories are very touching…..


    Post count: 93172

    Tis the season for blood and plasma donation! I’ve always been an active

    Does GD affect my ability to donate? Any info would be appreciated.


    Post count: 93172

    I went to the Red Cross in Michigan and they would not let me donate blood
    because I was on synthroid. I am not sure why? It’s too bad because I have a
    a rare blood type and I was up to almost 3 gallons donated. Does anyone know
    why synthroid would make a difference? thanks…..Carolyn

    Post count: 93172

    I don’t donate blood because I now have several autoimmune diseases. I’m not
    sure ow they would effect the receiver, if at all, but I’m not willing to
    share this burden with anyone else.

    Post count: 93172

    I don’t donate ’cause I pass out cold.

    Bruce the whimp

    Post count: 93172

    It could. I know they won’t let you give blood if you are taking anti-thyroid medications. I don’t know about RAI/synthetic thyroid. My guess, though, is that at least for now, you might have to pass.

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