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  • KathyG
    Post count: 15

    I have had graves TED since 2005. have had all the surgeries, deal with the daily changes with eyes………. April of this year was diagnosed with blepharitis… have been using restasis for quite some time, 2x a day, now doxycycline, 100mg per day, and steroid eye drops 3x a day. Nothing seems to help… some days tolerable, today they are terrible ! I am supposed to go in next month and have a procedure done where they numb your eyes, and stick needle into oil glands along eye lids. I guess for some it works, others not. Has anyone here had that done? Oh, and I also have to use warm packs on my eyes, and massage the lids. The oil in my glands is thickened and cloudy, instead of clear. Ugh, what else is there to all this? Anyone? ( thanks :(

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Hopefully, you will get some other responses from those who have had a similar experience; I’m not familiar with that particular therapy at all. Mayo Clinic has some info on blepharitis, and it’s striking how many of the symptoms seem to overlap TED. Perhaps a second opinion might be helpful if you just aren’t seeing any relief from your current treatment regimen.

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    Hope that you can find a way to get some relief!

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