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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I’m 33 and asked my endo if I should get a bone density test. He said not to worry about osteoporosis because I’m premenapausal (sp?). I had Graves’s for about 10 years before I was diagnosed, so it concerns me. And, my grandma had osteoporosis.

    Were you premenapausal when you had your bone density scan? Just curious…

    As for the infections, I’ve always had to be very careful about not letting myself get run down, but pre-RAI I got every bug that came along. Sinus and throat infections were my specialty. Now, post-RAI and with normal levels, I actually shared a virus with my husband and recovered faster than he did. (He never used to catch what I had unless it was particularly nasty and I always took longer to recover, so this was new for us.) It was nice to be the well person helping the sick person for once!


    Post count: 93172

    I don’t have osteoporosis, but have had a terrible time with bladder infections since Graves’ Disease began, and I’m still susceptible after successful treatment. Thyroid levels don’t seem to matter. My daughter with Hashimoto’s also has in increased susceptibility to bladder infections.

    There’s been some conjecture that there could be an autoimmune component to this in some people, but no good answers are available to my knowledge. I had 11 infections one year alone, and would have that many still if I hadn’t been given antibiotics to prevent them. If your problem continues, consult a urologist.

    Dianne W
    NGDF Asst. Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed in ’97 and had RAI in Jan of ’98. For almost a year before my diagnosis I had MANY infections. It seems that, later, when I had a bone density test done I had developed the onset of osteo. The dr. believes the graves was robbing my bones of the calcium and the infections were because I wasn’t able to adaquatly flush the calcium out of my system.
    I have had several infections, on and off, over the years as I am STILL trying to get my meds regulated. It seems that when I’m feeling a little hyper…I’m more suseptable to get an infection.
    I was wondering if this was common with anyone else and if anyone else has been diagnosed with osteo.
    I’m a 37 years old female and I feel like my body is shot?!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi. I don’t have osteo. My Mom does and I have been taking precautions. However, I had so many bladder infections before being diagnosed that I was being referred to a urologist when they figured out that I had Grave’s. I never went to the urologist because the symptoms went away after I went hypo. However, I have had some swings to hyper and I get those same old symptoms but they usually go away without antibiotics. I also had a lot of stomach viruses/flu and sinus problems when I was hyper.

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