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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Alright, Bruce! No double anything!?! I understand about those IVs – twice now I’ve had trouble with that needle. GD wouldn’t affect our blood vessels, would it? Nurses say my veins don’t seem to collapse, but then what’s the problem?!?

    So, how about those stitches? Boy, I hope they’re not bothersome for you. It took almost two weeks before I couldn’t feel them when I blinked.

    Rest easy! Thinking of you, Debby

    Post count: 93172

    My dad has Graves Eye Disease and has been told that the muscles in
    his eyes are collecting “material” and getting stiff. His eyes bulge and tear constantly. He is currently using two types of drops. The doctor said there is a 50/50 chance of his eyes getting better but he may require major surrgery if the muscles keep building the pressure in the eye. The pressure is due to the muscles not fluid but has still been disagnosed as glaucoma and the optic nerve is slightly damaged. Has anyone had any experience with this type of operation?

    Post count: 93172


    Several people here have had experience with the surgery. My eyes receded back into my head on their own after four years and radiation treatment. I also have some nerve damage.

    Please go to the NGDF link at the top of this page and check out the information available. You will find many answers to you questions there.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Elaine! I assume that the surgery you’re referring to is decompression. I had that procedure done in 1993, which gave me instant relief from the bulging and some irritation. I also had to have additional surgeries to correct double vision and eye closure, but not everyone has to deal with those surgeries. I still have some tearing today, but my eyes are back to “normal”. For more information on Graves’ Ophthalmopathy check these links:

    I wish your dad well in the coming months. Stay in touch with his ophthalmologist and report any changes. Glaucoma and optic nerve damage are serious conditions.

    Take care, Debby

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