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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    Beta blockers are only used while we are actively hyperthyroid, to control the rapid heart rate and to even out the heart rhythms. We usually wean off beta blockers after thyroid hormone levels come down. They do take the edge off the hyperthyroid symptoms. They’re usually used for heart patients, for high blood pressure or other rhythm problems.

    Post count: 8

    I have been reading a lot of the posts and notice that a majority of people are talking about being on Beta Blockers. What are these and what do they do? I have been a Graves patient since 2005 but have never heard anything about these Beta Blockers. I thought I read in someone’s post about them taking the edge off the emotional aspect….Thanks for any answers!


    Post count: 8

    Thanks for your reply. I just have never heard of them before. I have had the palpitations, even while being hypo, but nothing too severe. Thanks again.

    Post count: 5

    Yeah, they’re normally antihypertensives meds, antidysrythmias, and they lower your HR too. Usually given for people with heart failure or an MI but sounds about right for a person with Graves too. I know my BP and pulse were pretty high when my GD wasn’t controlled but they never mentioned being put on beta blockers. Were you given it because you had predisposed risk factors or something?

    Also (I know you probably won’t have to worry about this since I assume your pulse is already high) just make sure you check your pulse periodically before taking it, it can drop it too low sometimes. Also it can cause orthostatic hypotension (light-headed when you stand) so just bear in mind those things.


    Post count: 8

    I am not taking beta blockers, nor have I ever. I was unsure of what they were because my doctors have never mentioned the possibility of getting on them.
    I actually get light-headed when I stand up most times, yet am not on the Beta Blockers…I assume it’s from having low blood pressure (which is usually somewhere about 90’s/50’s)???!!!

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