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  • MiTh
    Post count: 8

    Hello there: I am a 40 yo female teacher, mother of 2.

    My Graves story began in May 2012. It was then that I started feeling a little off. Because I have just had my physical at the beginning of the month including normal levels of TSH, I put the whole thing off. I had a very busy summer in which I felt pretty normal so I thought nothing was wrong with me. In early Oct, I noticed I was having a hard time concentrating. An avid reader, I could not read more than 2 pages at a time. Shortly after my bpm became elevated.
    In Dec I saw my doctor for a check up. Although I said nothing about my symptoms, he picked up on the high bpm right away and ordered a thyroid panel. Sure enough my TSH was 0, although my T4 level was pretty normal. So we waited a few weeks to see what was going on. In early Jan my T4 went high so I got the scan and my Graves was apparent. No surprise:I come from a family in which 2 our of 5 members already suffers from an autoimmune disease…
    I decided to take the RAI; and had 12mc / I131 in me by the end of the month. By May 2013, I became hype and started on Synthroid 50 mcg. I went in for blood work every month and by Oct 2013 was 106 mcg. I still feel it is a little low and am thinking 112 or even 125 will be a better fit.

    At any case, I recently started working out. Nothing compared to my pre Graves routine, but nonetheless… I am walking on the treadmill at 4mph for about 30 to 40 min, depending on how I feel that day. My bpm while working out it 120 to 130. I gained 10 lbs since my diagnosis (funnily losing weight was not one of my hyper symptoms), and am trying to lose them, sensibly.I realize that I may not be able to lose weight at all, even with sensible eating and exercising, but I do want to give it a try.

    My question is: Is there any optimal time of the day for workouts?Being that I take my Synthroid at 6:30am; are there better times of the day?

    Thanks for reading through, and I appreciate any links to research on the topic.


    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome! I don’t know that there is agreement on the best time of day to work out for weight loss, but perhaps others will chime in here.

    Personally, my take is to schedule exercise when it works best for YOU. I usually work out at night, just because I *hate* getting up at zero dark thirty and driving to the gym before the sun comes up! Although it seems like an attractive idea to work out in the morning and get it out of the way, I know that I’m personally just not likely to stick to a routine like that for the long term.

    Wishing you all the best!

    Post count: 115

    Hi MiTh! I work out regularly & I haven’t noticed any issues w/ when I schedule my workout in relation to the time I took my Synthroid. (Is that what you were asking?) So I’d have to agree w/ Kimberly…when it comes to working out, seems to me that any time that is good for you is a great time to do it!

    The only issue that I can see w/ the Synthroid is that you have to wait to eat breakfast. I suppose if your workout was super early in the morning this may make it tough to eat beforehand – but I usually eat afterward anyway (I’m usually a morning exerciser, but sometimes I do it later).

    I’ve not seen any research on the topic. Just personal experience.

    Good luck w/ the workouts! More than anything else, my Pilates & yoga kept me sane and feeling better. Not to mention their ability to keep my weight at a good place.

    Post count: 8

    Thanks so much for responding.
    This online community is a great source of information and support.


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