Oh, we understand, believe me! GD is a special kind of torture, we’ve all been through it, and I don’t think there’s anyone who will tell you they liked it. I didn’t mind SOME of the hyper symptoms, because as a working mother with two small children, I found that everything in the house was getting done (for a change).
” title=”Very Happy” />
You will probably have to wait a while before your symptoms get a whole lot better ~ taking the meds IS helping, but you won’t be able to feel that until the initial excess thyroid is flushed out of your bloodstream, which can easily take up to six weeks to happen. I wish I had better news for you, but there it is. A lot of recovering is a waiting game ~ look for TINY improvements as the days go by, nothing dramatic. You won’t go to sleep feeling rotten and wake up like Snow White with birds chirping. Does not happen. Baby steps, little changes ~ look VERY hard for the improvements. It can really help our attitude to find what’s GOOD about today.
The last 2 days have really been bad with symptoms..I don’t understand this. Last Tuesday my labs showed 0.01TSH and T4 was in a good range. My Endo highered my dose of PTU to 200mg to get my TSH level in a normal range. Well, I have been on PTU for 8 days (200mg) and today and yesterday were the worst yet? How is that possible?
My symptoms have been shaking, tremors, heat intorence, calmy, feeling like I can’t get a good breath, anxiety, etc. I HATE the panic side of Graves..when I feel all the symptoms just come at me. Why is this happening now? It should have happened weeks ago…
SO tired of the anxiety I get at night with all these symptoms. Can’t fall asleep!! Have to put a box fan at full speed in front of my face and sleep propped up:(Do I have something else going on? Hypoglycemia?? What is the deal with all of this?
Thanks for letting me vent-normally I’m more sane
I can share this with you. My dr was kind enough to let me know that I was going to feel much worse before I felt any better. Boy was he ever right. And I can say this, if you get to the point that you are fustrated with the meds and choose not to take them, that once you start them back up (if you do, which you probably will) you will feel like crap AGAIN! Granted, all said and done, feeling like you are a walking pharmacy is no fun and nobody should have to live this way, AT LEAST, we still have our lives. We are still active, and can go outside, and can take care of ourselves. There are some people out there who can not. In the beginning of my research on GD, I found this quote, "You did not get Grave’s overnight, therefore, you will not feel better overnight". Sadly patience is a vertu here and being hyper, patience is something that seems to not exsist! Focus on the greats and goods of everyday, not just your GD. There is more to life than our disease!
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